Opposite / Same
Reading Comp
Word Means
Reading Comp

Which word has the same meaning (Synonym) as the word "big?"

a. little

b. large 

c. tiny

b. large


Evan and Alissa were going to the store for Mom. They walked down the street past the park. The made it to the store. Evan and Alissa found eggs, bread and milk. They paid the lady at the store for the food. They went home. When Mom looked in the bag she said, "You forgot the cheese!" Evan and Alissa had to go all the way back to the store.

Where was the store?

a. past the lake

b. up the road

c. down the street past the park

c. down the street past the park


Pete the Pirate was reluctant to go into the spooky cave.

a. excited

b. happy

c. unwilling

c. unwilling


Amanda does not like to lose. She cries when she loses and says mean things. One day, Amanda wanted to play a game but everyone said no. "Why won't anyone play with me?" she asked the teacher. "Winning is fun." said the teacher, "But playing the game should be too. Do your best. Whether you win or lose, just but be sure to have fun."

1. What does Amanda do when she loses?

a. cry

b. say mean things

c. both

c. both


Which word means the same thing (Synonym) as the word, "Wrong?"

a. correct

b. good

c. false

c. false


The sun is a big star. It is the closest star to the earth. Earth moves around the sun. We could not live without the sun. People need the sun's light and heat.

What is the sun?

a. a planet

b. a star

c. a fruit

a. a planet


The students were very fond of the gentle service dog brought into the classroom.

a. have a liking for

b. being scared

c. felling bored

a. have a liking for


Fun Facts About Earthquakes

Scientist measure earthquakes in "magnitude." Magnitude means the amount of energy released by a quake. Scientist measure the size of earthquakes with a piece of equipment called a "seismograph." Florida and North Dakota have the fewest number of earthquakes in the United States.

What do scientist measure the size of earth quakes with?

a. thermometer 

b. ruler

c. seismograph

c. seismograph


Which word has the same meaning (Synonym) as the word, "soaked?"

a. dry

b. cool

c. wet

c. wet


In the summer, Joe likes to go to the beach. He walks along the edge of the water. Sometimes, he finds seashells and starfish. He also likes to build sand castles. Joe brings his lunch and sits in the sand to eat. 

What does Joe like to find at the beach?

a. treasure

b. books

c. sea shells and star fish

c. sea shells and star fish


The twin boys were identical, with the same eye color, height and weight.

a. looking closely

b. acting like someone

c. exactly the same

c. exactly the same


One day, a grasshopper was relaxing in a field, eating grass. When his tummy was full, he began to play music.

Then an ant walked by. The ant was carrying some corn. "Come sing with me!" said the grasshopper. The ant said, "No, I'm busy getting food for winter. "Winter!" said the grasshopper. "Why worry about winter?"

1. What was the ant doing when he met the grasshopper?

a. eating

b. singing

c. carrying corn

c. carrying corn


Which word is the antonym (opposite) of the highlighted word in this sentence?

She loves to read fairy tales.

a. adores

b. dislikes

c. fears

b. dislikes


Jill and Erin like to look at the night sky. They lie on their backs and look up. It is best to watch on clear dark nights. They see the stars. They see the moon. They see lights from airplanes. Sometimes, Jill and Erin see shooting stars.

What nights are best to watch the stars?

a. clear and dark

b. cloudy and rainy

c. windy and cold

a. clear and dark


After studying every night and getting tutoring help, Sam's test scores started to improve.

a. get better

b. make money

c. stayed the same

a. get better


Keneisha was suppose to be asleep. But, she just couldn't stop reading her scary book. Suddenly. she heard a noise. SCREECH! Her heart stopped. Maybe it was a monster! She jumped out of bed and climbed on her sister's bed. "Get off me!" said her sister. "Go to bed." The next morning Keneisha saw a limb scraping her window.

Where did Keneisah go when she heard the sound?

a. out the window

b. to the kitchen

c. her sister's bed

c. her sister's bed


Which word is the antonym (Opposite) of the highlighted word in this sentence?

The big teddy bear is so cuddly.

a. soft

b. cute

c. little

c. little


Ducks like to be in water. The can swim fast with their big orange feet. Their feet makes them good swimmers. As ducks swim they look for food. Ducks eat bugs, fish and plants in the water. Sometimes ducks come out of the water. They walk and fly.

What helps ducks to swim fast?

a. their wings

b. their beaks

c. their big orange feet

c. their big orange feet


During the summer, Lexie got a temporary job working a movie theater.

a. lasting for a short time

b. permanent

c. night time

a. lasting for a short time


Spot the dog had great life. He could lay on his cushion and nap, eat from his special bowl and run around playing in the yard.

One day, his people brought home a something new. It was loud and annoying. It sat on his cushion and ate from his bowl. Spot was not happy now.

Then one day Spot was tired and the puppy curled up with him. He was warm. Spot thought this might not be so bad after all.

What does Spot like to do?

a. drink milk

b. dig holes

c. run and play in the yard

c. run and play in the yard
