Literary Elements
All about Conflict
All about Part 3
All about Part 2
All about Multiple Choice

Define Tone

The way a character sounds based on a situation they are in


Define Conflict

A struggle or problem a character in the story is facing


When you get to Part 3, the first thing you will look at is... and why is this helpful/ important? 

The title of the excerpt to see if it gives you any context/ clues to what the whole story might be about. 


The first thing you will do when you get to Part 2 is...

Reword the Topic in your own words


This is called multiple ________ NOT Multiple guess



Define characterization

The way a character is described: based on their looks, the things they say and how they interact with others


Define what conflict of Person vs. Self means and give an example. 

A person's own struggle within themselves.

For example: 


Define Central Idea

A point the text is trying to make


How many texts must you use of the 4 that they give you? 



True or False:

Always read one question at a time and then the chunk of text 



Define setting

The place where a story takes place


Define what Conflict Person vs. Person means and give an example

A battle a person is having with another person. 

For example: 


If you get lost about what you first 2 sentences of this 2 paragraph piece should be, you can look _____ to find it. 

In bullet points 1 and 2 of Part 3. 


True or False: 

You must have a counter argument paragraph



True or False:

Always eliminate any answers that they didn't talk about. 



Define Point of View

The perspective from which the story is told


Define Conflict of Person vs. nature and give an example

When a person is battling Mother Nature/ the elements.

For example:


In paragraph 1, you...

1- State the _______________

2- State the ____________ that proves is

3- _________ the literary element/ Strategy

4- _________ the text in 2-3 sentences.

1- Central idea

2- Literary Element

3- Define

4- Summarize 


Name the 4 sentences that go into your 1st Paragraph of your introduction to Part 2, Argument Essay

1- State your Claim, yes or no

2- State your first reason

3- State your second reason

4- Explain why this matters to People/ the world/ why someone should care


True or False

Always make sure to read the entire answer in A), B), C) and D). 



Define symbolism

An object that represents a bigger idea


Define Conflict of Man vs. Society. And provide an example

A person is battling a larger group or idea.

For example: 


In the second paragraph of Part 3, you must: 

1- Restate (which 2 things)

2- Give it context based on the Literary Element you Identified. (Give an example for what that means for Tone, Symbolism, setting, conflict, POV, characterization)

3- Find _________ that show that in the text

4- _______ that evidence

5- Explain how the author uses the _________ in that quote. And pull out the words from the quote showing it. 

6- Connect it to how that shows the ___________

1- Central Idea and Literary Element

2- If you are using conflict, what is the conflict? (Explain what they are struggling with or battling through)

If you are using symbolism, name the symbol in the text and what it represents.

If you are using tone, name the tone and the situation they are in making them sound that way. 

If you are using, setting, name the setting.

If you are using characterization, characterize/ describe the character. 

If you are using Point of View, name the point of view (1st, 2nd or 3rd person) and explain why that POV matters to the understanding of the story

3- Evidence

4- Explain that evidence

5- Literary Element

6- Central Idea


Name the things that go into a body paragraph

1- Introduce idea

2- Give it context- Expand on what that Idea is about

3- Cite evidence

4- Explain evidence (in 2-3 sentences)

5- Connect back to how this proves your claim. 


When confronted with a word you do not know You should 

A) Think about where you have heard this word before and also tried to figure out the meaning based on the sentence

B) Pick "C" as your answer

