Controlling Idea (Question 26)
Literary Element (Question 27)
Critical Lens (Question 28)
Test-Taking Strategies
Mixed Bag
How long does the controlling idea (question 26) essay have to be? What is the format?
One-paragraph. Double-TIED
How long does the literary element (question 27) essay have to be? What is the format?
One paragraph. T(D)IED.
How long does the critical lens (question 28) essay have to be? What is the format?
At least 5-6 paragraphs. Intro, Text 1 paragraph, Literary Element from Text 1, Text 2 paragraph, Literary Element from Text 2, Conclusion.
What should you do if you can't think of a literary element?
Use Imagery (any description using the senses); Setting (location of a story); or Point of View (perspective of a story)
While you read, especially when comparing two passages, what should you do?
What is annotate and highlight
What is the first sentence of the controlling idea (question 26) essay? What is the format?
Controlling idea sentence. Both _____ and ______ show [something about the topic].
What is the first sentence of the literary element (question 27) essay? What is the format?
Topic sentence. In ________ the author uses _________ to show ____________.
What is the thesis of the critical lens (question 28) essay? What is the format?
Both _____________ and _______________ show [something about the quote].
What should you do when you don't know the answer to a multiple choice question?
Process of elimination
During the Regents, under no circumstances are you allowed to have this (these) device(s) out
Cellphones / ipods
How do you select evidence to use for your controlling idea (question 26) essay? How many pieces of evidence do you need?
You find a quote from each text that supports your controlling idea sentence. You need one quote from each text.
How do you select evidence to use for your literary element (question 27) essay? How many pieces of evidence do you need?
You find a quote from one text that shows the literary element from your topic sentence. You need one quote from one text.
How do you select evidence to use for your critical lens (question 28) essay? How many pieces of evidence do you need?
You summarize/paraphrase relevant information from your selected texts. You need four pieces of evidence (one for each body paragraph).
What should you do if you can't think of any books to use for the critical lens essay?
Use two of the books we have read in class: 1) "Oedipus the King" by Sophocles; 2) "Fences" by August Wilson; 3) "A Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass" by Frederick Douglass
What is the highest grade you can get on your critical lens essay?
A six.
Write a topic sentence that uses ideas from "Fences" and "A Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass" to establish a controlling idea about dreams.
Both "Fences" by August Wilson and "A Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass" show [something about dreams].
Write a topic literary element sentence from "Fences," "Oedipus the King," or "A Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass".
In ___________ the author uses __________ to show ____________.
Interpret the following quote: “…we pay a price for everything we get or take in this world…” — L. M. Montgomery Anne of Green Gables, 1908
What should you do if you don't understand a critical lens quote?
Annotate, replace words with synonyms.
What is the highest grade you can get on your literary element or controlling idea essays?
A two.
Write a topic sentence that uses ideas from "Fences" and "Oedipus the King" to establish a controlling idea about destiny.
Both "Fences" by August Wilson and "Oedipus the King" by Sophocles show [something about destiny].
Write a topic literary element sentence from "Fences," "Oedipus the King," or "A Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass".
In ___________ the author uses __________ to show ____________.
Write a thesis in which you connect two of the following texts -- "Fences," "Oedipus the King," or "A Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass" -- to the following quote: “…we pay a price for everything we get or take in this world…” — L. M. Montgomery Anne of Green Gables, 1908
How do you decide what books to use for the critical lens?
Plan using criteria questions. For example, if the quote is about fear, use the following criteria questions: 1) WHO is fearful? 2) WHAT are they fearful of? 3) WHY are they fearful?
What are the five components that are on the critical lens scoring rubric?
Meaning, development, organization, language use, and convention.