Cause and Effect
Main Idea
Context Clues & Inferences
ELA Random
ELA Random #2

My best friend has allergies, so she cannot have any pets. What is the cause and the effect?

Cause:   My best friend has allergies.     

Effect:   She cannot have any pets.    


Cinderella and Snow White aren't the only fairy tales ever told. The library has ethnic fairy tales from all around the world! There you can find fairy tales from other countries such as Russia, China, Sweden, and Africa. You won't believe all the different stories!

The library has ethnic fairy tales from all around the world.


The sun made the lake water shimmer.

Using the explanation clue, the word shimmer in this sentence means

What is to sparkle or shine


Is "I think green beans taste like boogers." is an example of a fact or an opinion?



Details that help support a main idea are called____.

Supporting details


The building was torn down to make room for a new school.

Cause:   A new school will be built where a building stands.     

Effect:   The building was torn down.    


Jane was asked to write a poem. It would be in their class paper. Since April is "Keep America Beautiful" month, Jane wrote a poem about trash. She wanted people to stop throwing trash on the ground. Every day, she saw litter on the side of the road. She even saw bags of trash dumped into a stream near her house. She hated seeing all of it. She hoped her poem would get people excited about cleaning up. It got her excited!

Jane wrote a poem about trash.


Kate is baking a cake. She is using a mix. She added some eggs. She put it in the oven. When it was all done, she iced it.

Where do you think Kate is?

What is a kitchen?


What is a verb?

An action word


What word is a verb in the following sentence?

Tony slithered quietly down the hallway.



The boy's shoes were muddy, and he left them at the back door.

Cause:   The boy's shoes were muddy.     Effect:   He left them at the back door.    


The Hawaiian alphabet has only twelve letters. They are A, E, H, I, K, L, M, N, O, P, U, and W. That is all five of our vowels but only seven consonants! The people of Hawaii mainly speak English now, but they still know and use some Hawaiian words.

The Hawaiian alphabet has only twelve letters.


The sky was dark and eerie looking before the storm.

Using the explanation clue, the word eerie in this sentence means

What is dark or scary


In order for a story to be nonfiction, the information has to be what?



The prefix bi- in bicycle means that a bicycle has ___ wheels.

Two or 2


Hosi was very upset when his fly ball was caught.

Cause: Hosi fly ball was caught.

Effect: Hosi was very upset


Which is the heaviest mammal? Is it the elephant? The rhinoceros? How about the hippopotamus? All of those mammals are big. The elephant is the biggest of them. It weighs about 5 tons. However, even the elephant is not the biggest mammal. The biggest mammals of all are sea mammals. Whales can weigh many tons. The biggest of all - the blue whale - can weigh in at 130 tons!

What is the biggest Mammal


John liked to go on expeditions such as ski trips, rock climbing, and mountain climbing.

Using the example clue, the word expeditions in this sentence means

What is trips


What is dialogue?

When characters talk in a story.


What is a root word?

a word that stands alone - with no prefixes or suffixes. 

Bonus- Give an example of a root word then add a prefix or suffix to it


I had to write fifteen cause and effect sentences, which was a harder job than I thought it would be.

Cause:   There is only one copy of the book left.     Effect:   We will go to the library today.    


Some people think that Vikings were the first to reach the New World. They found it almost 500 years before Columbus. If their colonies had survived, we might be speaking Norse!

What is the vikings came to the new world first


We decided not to go on vacation. We would have had to travel 300 miles each way. It would have cost us far too much money now. It was an unnecessary trip since we had a limited budget for fuel. I hope things will change so we can go again.

Can you infer why the group decided to cancel their trip?

Gas prices were too high


What is the lesson or moral of a story called?



My mom terminated my phone contract because I was not responsible.

What is a synonym for terminated?

a. paid    b. stopped   c. grew

b. stopped
