Context Clues
Text Structures
She peered over at Eli, who was calling out the numbers. 

What change, if any is needed to the word in italics?

A. when

B. what

C. no change

c. no change


Her determination and refusal to take no for an answer is admirable. 

What is the correct spelling of the word in italics?

A. no change

b. refuseal

c. refusle 

A. no change 


The boy belched, or burped, so loud during lunch. 

What is the meaning of belched?

a. hiccupped

b. burped

c. laughed

b. burped


What is the text structure of the passage?

Passengers entering New York Harbor are greeted by a great lady. She is the Statue of Liberty, and she is hard to miss. For one thing, she stands alone on a small island in the middle of the harbor. For another, she's tall, very tall. From the ground to the top, she measures more than three hundred feet. That's as high as a thirty-story building. And she holds, raised high in her right hand, a torch to light the way.

a. descriptive 

b. cause and effective

c. problem and solution

a. descriptive


There once was a clever fox who loved playing tricks. He invited his friend the stork over for dinner one day. When dinner was served, the poor bird saw that the meal was soup served in a flat dish. Try as she might, the stork could not drink the soup with her long, thin beak.

"I'm sorry you aren't enjoying the dinner," the fox said, laughing to himself over his trick.

"Oh, it's no problem at all," the stork said, acting very polite. "You must join me for dinner next time."

Soon the stork invited the fox to her house for dinner. The fox had worked hard all day and was very hungry. But when the stork brought out the food, the fox got a surprise. The dinner was served in tall, narrow jars. With her long beak, the stork had no trouble gobbling up the tasty food. The fox's mouth did not fit in the jar, so he went home hungry.

a. even though people are different they can still be friends.

b. expect others to treat you the way you treat them. 

b. expect others to treat you the way you treat them.


Which change, if any is needed to the text in italics?

The ice business was centered in northern regions like New England when bodies of water froze during the winter months. 

a. that

b. no change

c. where 

c. where 


Tomorrow is supposed to be the gloomyiest day of the year. 

What is the correct spelling for the word in italics?

a. gloomyest

b. gloomiest

c. no change

b. gloomiest


What is the meaning of the italicized word?

Polar bears live in the Arctic near the North Pole. They have two layers of fur and plenty of fat to keep them warm. Their favorite food is the ringed seal, an animal that swims in the ocean beneath the ice. In winter, the seals cut breathing holes in the thick ice. Polar bears hunt the seals by waiting for them to come up through the holes for air. That's when the seals are the most vulnerable. A polar bear may have to wait at a hole for many days. But if the bear is patient enough, it might end up with a tasty treat. 

a. hungry

b. strong and safe

c. in danger of being harmed

c. in danger of being harmed.


For a long time, historians faced a big issue when studying ancient Egyptian culture. No one knew how to read ancient Egyptian writing, which is called hieroglyphics. The answer to the puzzle came in 1799, when a soldier found a piece of rock called the Rosetta Stone. The Stone had a decree carved into it three times: once in hieroglyphics, once in ancient Greek, and once in another Egyptian writing system. Many people already knew how to read ancient Greek, so they used the text to figure out how to read the hieroglyphics.

a. cause and effective 

b. problem and solution

c. descriptive

b. problem and solution


Long ago there lived a handsome man named Narcissus who loved only himself. Echo, a goddess of the mountains, fell in love with him. She followed him everywhere, but he acted coldly and cruelly toward her. She was so sad that she faded away until nothing was left of her but her voice.

Soon after, Narcissus was out taking a walk in the forest. Thirsty, he decided to stop for a drink from a pool. As he leaned down to scoop up the cold water in his hands, he saw himself in the water. The face he saw was so beautiful that he fell in love with it. He could not look away, so he sat and stared at himself in the water. He could not bear to leave, not even to eat or drink.

For the rest of his life, Narcissus never left the pool.

a. Narcissus was punished for being cruel

b. Don't think to much of yourself

b. Don't think to much of yourself


Which change, if any, is needed to the text in italics?

There were trays beyond the iceboxes that caught the melting ice. 

a. Under the iceboxes

b. Beside the iceboxes

c. No change

A. Under the iceboxes


She is dyeing to meet her favorite singer.

What is the correct spelling of the word in italics?

a. dying

b. dieing

c. no change

a. dying


What is the meaning of the italicized word?

During the winter, road crews often put salt on the roads after a snowstorm. They want to keep the roads safe by getting rid of the ice quickly. So they put the salt on the roads to hasten the melting of the ice. The salt works by lowering the temperature at which water will freeze. Pure water turns to ice at 32°F. Salty water doesn't freeze until it reaches a lower temperature. So even if it's 20°F outside, the salty water won't turn to road ice.

a. speed up 

b. slow down.

c. stop

d. reverse

a. speed up


Electric cars may seem like a new invention, but they're not. The first electric car was built in 1837! Around fifty years later, a French scientist designed a better kind of battery, and electric cars became popular. By the early 1900s, many cities had electric taxis and streetcars. Then, around the 1920s, gas became cheaper than it was before. Gas-powered cars started to take over. It wasn't until the 1990s that many people began to think about electric cars again.

a. chronological or sequential

b. problem and solution

c. compare and contrast

a. chronological or sequential


Long ago in China there lived a man named Lisheng. He had just gotten married and wanted to please his new wife. More than anything, she wanted a coat made of fox fur. She asked Lisheng to buy her one, but the coat cost too much.

Lisheng came up with a plan. He would find a fox and make the coat himself. So he waited in the woods until a fox approached, and he grabbed it by the tail.

"My wife wants a fox coat. Could you give me your fur?" Lisheng said.

The fox replied, "I'll make a deal with you. Let go of my tail, and I'll take off my fur and give it to you."

Lisheng did as the fox asked, but the fox ran away, laughing. Lisheng had been tricked, and his wife never got a fox fur coat.

a. If you are kind to others, you'll get what you want in the end.

b. Don't trust someone who has a good reason to lie to you. 

b. Don't trust someone who has a good reason to lie to you. 


Which change if any is needed to the word in italics?

They drove horse-drawn wagons and preloaded blocks of ice straight into people's iceboxes. 

a. nonloaded

b. unloaded

c. no change

b. unloaded

Do you belieave that story is true?

What is the correct spelling of the word in italics?

a. no change

b. beleive

c. believe

c. believe

The teacher asked her class to draw a shape that was oblong, like a rectangle. 

What does oblong mean based on the sentence. 

a. a shape with 4 equal sides.

b. a shape with two long sides and two short sides.

c. a shape that is big. 

b. a shape with two long sides and two short sides. 


The Williams sisters, Serena and Venus, are both great tennis players. Of the two, Venus is older by about fifteen months. However, Serena has won more matches than Venus. As of January 2020, they'd played thirty one official matches head-to-head. Of those, Venus won twelve, while Serena won nineteen. The sisters share interests besides tennis, too. For example, both of them run fashion businesses when they're off the tennis court.

a. problem and solution

b. descriptive

c. compare and contrast

c. compare and contrast


One day a man gathered dozens of coconuts to sell in the village. He loaded all the coconuts onto his horse. On his way, he met a boy.

"How long do you think it will take for me to reach the village?" the man asked the boy.

The boy looked at the huge pile of coconuts packed on the horse.

"If you go slowly, you will arrive very soon," the boy said. "But if you go quickly, it will take you all day long."

This boy doesn't make sense! the man thought to himself. I shouldn't listen to him.

The man hurried his horse along. Soon, though, the coconuts fell off the horse. The man had to stop and pick them up again.

He wanted to make up for lost time, so he made his horse go even faster. The coconuts fell off again, and once more the man had to gather them. It was late at night before he reached the village.

a. sometimes rushing can make a task last longer

b. If you are lazy and waste time, you may not get to where you need to go. 

a. sometimes rushing can make a task last longer

The Potomac river is between Virginia and Maryland. 

Which is the correct way to write the words in italics?

a. Potomac River

b. potomac river

c. no change

A. Potomac River


She was competing against the toughest team in the district.

What is the correct spelling of word in italics?

a. competeing

b. compeiting

c. no change 

c. no change


She was distraught after hearing the horrible news. 

What does the word distraught mean as it is used above?

a. ecstatic

b. annoyed

c. upset

c. upset


A black hole is a place in space where gravity is so strong that no light can escape. Most black holes are formed when the center of a very large star collapses. Because the matter of the star is pressed into a tiny space, it becomes very dense. As a result, it has a very strong pull, or gravity. No light can get out, so a black hole cannot be found without special instruments.

a. cause and effect

b. problem and solution

c. descriptive

a. cause and effect


Once upon a time, there was a war between the animals of the air and the animals of the land. The eagle would hunt and eat the rabbit. The owl was never safe from the fox.

The bat had wings like the flying animals, but it had teeth like the land animals. Unsure which side to join, the bat joined whichever side was winning. When the air animals were ahead, the bat fought along with the air animals. When the land animals won a battle, the bat joined them.

After many years, both sides decided to end the war. There was peace across the earth. But the animals could not forget what the bat had done. Both the air animals and the land animals felt tricked by the bat. They decided to drive the bat away.

And that is why the bat hides away during the day and goes out only at night.

a. people shouldn't go to war to settle their differences.

b. people who aren't true to their friends will end up with no one. 

b. people who aren't true friends will end up with no one. 
