Literary Devices
Key terms
Who is the superhero in here?
Mixed Bag

Define metaphor.

What is... making a comparison without using "like" or "as"


When the question says to "use two details" to support your response, what does that mean you have to include in your paragraph?

What is: TWO pieces of quoted evidence (text evidence)


What is "central idea?"

What is: what the text is mostly about


What is Superman's name?

Clark Kent


Who is Mr. Grayson and Ms. Godinez' current favorite artist?

Who is: Tyler the Creator


Define simile.

What is... making a comparison using "like" or "as"


Is this a simple or complex prompt?

Read this sentence from paragraph 7 of “Excerpt from Marine Mammals in Captivity.”

Life for these animals is a mere shadow of what it was in the wild.

What does the author mean by this sentence?

What is: simple


What is "theme?" 

For the full 200, you have to be clear.

What is: a full sentence that names the universal lesson


What does CAPE stand for?

What is:

C: cover the answer choices

A: annotate the question

P: write a prediction

E: eliminate each answer choice based on specific words


Who is the author of The House on Mango Street?

Who is: Sandra Cisneros


What literary device is being used here? 

The tree branch scratched and clawed at my windowsill, trying to break into the house.

What is... personification


Is this a simple or complex prompt?

How do the poet’s word choices in lines 1 through 8 of “At Dusk” establish the mood of the poem?

What is: complex


What is "point of view" and how would you find it?

What is: POV = thoughts and feelings about a topic

Name the five original Avengers (from the comics)

Iron Man, Ant-Man, Hulk, Thor and the Wasp


What was the OG social media platform?

What is: Myspace. RIP Tom


Name the two reasons an author would use a flashback.

What is:

1) To give context to a conflict

2) To give insight into character motivations


Unpack this prompt and accurately tell us what you would need to name in your answer:

How does line 46 affect the reader’s understanding of the story?

What is: 

1) Name what is happening in line 46

2) Understand the entire story so you can name if it supports or is the counterclaim


What does "part to whole" mean?

What is: a type of question where you have to determine how a part fits into the whole text. 

You have to figure out what both are about and determine if the part supports the whole or is the counterclaim.


Accurately use CAPE to answer this question:

What does the word “precision” mean as it is used in the following sentence?

"Playing the xylophone well requires great precision to hit just the right bar at the right time, which produces a musical tone."

A frequency

B force

C speed

D accuracy



What is the difference between Mood and Tone?

What is:

Mood is how the reader feels.

Tone is how the AUTHOR feels about the subject.


Define sensory details.

What is: using the 5 senses (sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing) to paint a vivid picture in the reader's mind


Accurately tell us how you would structure your essay based on this prompt. In other words, what would be included in your intro, BP 1, BP 2, and conclusion?

-What are the  authors’ purposes for writing “Food Fakeout!” and “Why Most Food Labels are Wrong About Calories”? How are  their purposes  similar and/or different?

Use details from both articles to support your response. In your response, be sure to

• explain the author’s purpose for writing “Food Fakeout!”

• explain the authors’ purpose for writing “Why Most Food Labels are Wrong About Calories”

• explain how the purposes are similar and/or different

What is: 

Intro: Hook about food. Short summary of both texts. Name author's purpose for both texts and using words like "BOTH," acknowledge that there are similarities.

BP 1: Author's Purpose #1

BP 2: Author's Purpose #2

Conclusion: MAKE THE COMPARISON: Name how they are similar.


What is the difference between "Author's Purpose" and "Point of View?"

What is: 

AP = WHY the author wrote the text (are they trying to persuade us? Inform us?)

POV = thoughts and feelings about the topic


Accurately use CAPE to answer this question.

How did Spiderman gain his superpowers?

A. He was born with the powers

B. He was affected by a chemical explosion

C. He was bitten by a spider

D. He discovered them in science class



What are the four steps to unlocking a poem? For example, step 1 is to just read and enjoy it. What are steps 2, 3, and 4?

What is:

Step 2: summarize each line/group of lines

Step 3: Annotate all literary devices

Step 4: Determine the theme
