Context Clues
Text Structures
Non-fiction Text
Inferences and Drawing Conclusions
POV and Plot

This type of clue uses a word with the same meaning in the text. 

What is a synonym? 

This text structure gives the reader details of an event in the order in which they happen. 

What is Chronological Order of Sequence of Events?


This non-fiction text feature can be found close to a picture or an illustration. It gives information about that image. 

What is a caption? 


Sampson liked to lie on the windowsill. He especially liked to lie there on a sunny day. But if Sampson saw a mouse, he could move like lightening. He would chase down the mouse like a mighty hunter.  What is Sampson? 

What is a cat? 

This point of view of a story is told when the narrator is part of the story.  

What is 1st Person? 


 This type of context clue provides the reader with the opposite meaning of a word in the text. 

What is an antonym?


This text structure gives the reader a chance to see the similarities and differences of two or more subjects.

What is Compare and Contrast Text Structure? 


This type of non-fiction text feature uses dark or colorful words to signal to the reader to pay attention to these important words. 

What are bolded words?


The night before his speech, Harrison stayed up all night. He practiced his speech in front of the mirror over ten times.  Why can Harrison not fall asleep?

What is nervous, anxious, worried about speaking in front of others?


This point of view of a story has a narrator that is NOT part of the story.

What is 3rd Person?


The scared rock climber balanced precariously on the edge of the cliff. 

Precariously means:

a. gracefully    b.  lazily  c. hopefully    d. dangerously

What is dangerously?


This text structure gives details about an issue and how it might be fixed. 

What is a Problem and Solution Text Structure? 


This type of non-fiction text feature divides a text into sections and explains what the sections will be about.

What is a heading? 


 Kyle's four year old brother, Linus, got water color paints for his birthday.  Linus had fun painting with the water colors in his room.  One afternoon, Kyle heard his mother scream, "Linus, what have you done to your room?" What did Linus do? 

What is Linus painted the walls or objects in his room?


This element of plot is the turning point of a story.  

What is the climax? 


Sunlight cannot shine through opaque objects such as brick walls and wooden doors. 

Opaque means:

a. thin    b.  clear      c. thick     d.  transparent

What is thick? 


This text structure tells why something happened and how it happened. 

What is a Cause and Effect Text Structure? 


This type of non-fiction text feature provides a labeled picture that explains or shows the parts of something. 

What is a diagram?

As we made the climb, my stomach became upset and my palms were suddenly sweaty.  It made it difficult to hang on to the bar in front of me.  Suddenly, the whole world seem to be falling forward, my sister was screaming, and the wind was making my eyes water and my hair to fly behind me. What was happening to me? 
What is riding on a roller coaster? 

This element of  plot lets us know the struggle(s) that a main character may face.  There can be two types of this element, internal and external. 

What is the conflict? 


The dark clouds were a caveat of the approaching storm. 

Caveat means:

a. withdrawal    b. warning   c. keep   d. far away

What is a warning? 


This text structure provides the reader with many details or characteristics about a certain topic.

What is a Descriptive Text Structure?


This type of non-fiction text features gives interesting facts, extra information about a topic, or related information to go with the main topic. 

What is a side bar?


Shelly would no longer attend any hiking events. Once on a trail, she had picked up what she thought was a stick, except the stick moved and slithered up her arm. Shelly passed out.  One night at a campsite someone opened a can of soda and it made a ssszzzz sound, she screamed and ran to hide in a tent.  Why did Shelly not want to attend the hiking trips? 

What is why she is afraid of snakes?


This element of plot reveals or suggests the outcome of the conflict in the story. 

What is the resolution? 
