Text Structures
Making Claims
Literary Terms
Mixed Bag
This is the part of the plot where two opposing forces are fighting for power... Ex. Mrs. Dodds attacks Percy at the museum.
What is the "conflict"?
Name this type of text structure: The car was yellow. It had a sunroof and shiny rims. It is very fast. In addition to the sunroof, another perk is the great sound system.
What is "description"?
What is the acronym to remember how to write a short response?
What is R2D2?
Central theme =
What is main idea?
Her eyes lit up like fireflies when she saw the actor. Name the type of figurative language AND tell what two things are being compared.
What is simile? Fireflies and her eyes.
This is the part of the story where the author introduces the characters, the setting, and the basic situation. For example -- when Percy is telling us about his life at Yancy Academy.
What is "the exposition"?
Name the type of text structure: When I went on a trip, I encountered a roadblock on the way home. There were no detour signs. So, I took out my GPS and put in my address. As a result, I got home fifteen minutes later than usual.
What is problem and solution?
What should you always remember about your claim and your 2 details??
NEVER put them in the same sentences. You should have at least 3 sentences for a 2pt. response. 1 for the claim. 1 for your first detail/explanation. 1 for the second detail/explanation.
What is tone?
What is the feeling you get from the text?
When the kid sat down for dinner, he was like a vacuum. Name the type of figurative language and tell what it means -- and what is implied.
What is a simile? It means when the kid sat down, he ate a lot of food. It is implied he was very hungry.
This is the part of the story where the conflict is developed... the part where things are "getting good". For example -- Percy fights Medusa -- or when he fights the monster in the St. Louis Arch.
What is the "rising action"?
Name the type of text structure: Nests and houses are both shelters. People live in houses and birds live in nests. We both use these shelters to keep out wind and rain. Houses are built on the ground and nests are generally built in a tree or bush.
What is compare and contrast?
How many details should you underline in order to come up with a claim?
What is 3? You use 3 details that stand out to help you figure out a claim.
What is an excerpt?
What is a shorter section of a longer piece of writing?
What is dialogue?
What is a conversation between two characters in a story?
This is the part of the story where the problem in the book is resolved. There is no longer a conflict.
What is the reSOLUTION?
You have to be careful when you go outside this time of year. There are ticks in the grass and bushes. If you get bitten by a tick you, the bite may result in Lyme disease. Consequently, you may have to take some medicine to make you feel better.
What is cause and effect?
Your claim must ALWAYS do this...
What is answer the question being asked?
What does it mean when you are asked to "elaborate" on something?
What is to give more details?
What is an "aspect"?
What is a specific part of the story?
This is the part of the plot where the action reaches its climax. This is the most intense part of the story.
What is the climax?
Name the text structure: At first, the small fish asked the whale if he had ever tasted man. Then, the small fish sent the whale to where the man was on a raft. Next, the whale at the man. Following that, the man made a grate out of his raft. Finally, the man returned home safely.
What is sequence?
What does R2D2 stand for?
What is Restate the question in the claim. 2 sentences of Details 2nd time you restate the claim
What is foreshadowing?
What is when the author gives the reader clues to what will happen later in the book?
If I had a poem and asked, "How does the last stanza contribute to the development of the plot?" -- what do I mean by "contribute to the development of the plot"?
What is what does that part of the story do for the overall story?