Figurative Language
Context Clues
Main Idea

Name the onomatopoeia. 

The race car zoomed around the track. 



I’m going to the amusement park this weekend, and I am anticipating the thrill of the roller coaster.

Anticipating: looking forward to, expecting


What does RACE stand for?



Cite Evidence


What does main idea mean?

It is what the passage is mostly about.


What is theme?

Theme is the moral or lesson of the story.


What type of figurative language does this sentence use?

The door closed with a deep sigh.

My teacher went over the fraction addition several times to reinforce the correct way to do it.

Reinforce: strengthen, make stronger, demonstrate until mastered


Restate this question.

What is one thing you like to do for fun?

One thing I like to do for fun is…



Tell me which sentence shows the main idea.

“MineCraft has gone through many changes since it was first created.”


Choose the best answer for identifying the theme of the story (theme 2). Remember to slash the trash/cross out answers that don't make sense!

C. Follow your dreams, even if others don't believe in you.

What is hyperbole?

Give me the definition, and double points for an example.

Hyperbole: extreme exaggeration

Example: I’ve told you a million times to stop talking.


I can’t believe you had the audacity to talk to your Mom that way!

Audacity: boldness, in a rude or disrespectful way


Restate and answer this question.

Why is it important to understand the different types of figurative language?

It is important to understand the different types of figurative language because it helps the reader to understand what the author is truly saying.


Main idea 6

You can learn a lot about how animals live by looking at their teeth.


Everyone in your team has to sing one verse from The Wheels on the Bus. GO



Metaphors and similes are both used to compare two unlike things, but there is an explicit difference. 

Explain the difference between a metaphor and a simile. Double points for an example of EACH! 

Similes: use the word like or as when comparing two things

Example: My dog eats like a pig.

Metaphors: do not use the words like or as when making a direct comparison

Example: I am a night owl.


The doctor wanted to see if the patient was in compliance with his diet.

Compliance: following directions, cooperating



Football season was starting soon, and tomorrow, Mark would try out for the team.  He kept wondering, “Will I do a good job?  Will I make the football team?” That night, he had a hard time sleeping.  He kept waking up and thinking about tryouts.  In the morning, he didn’t want to eat breakfast.  He took a few bites and then got up to double check that he had all his football gear ready.  His dad told him, “It’s okay, Mark! All you need to do is try your best.”  That made him feel better.  He would just go out on the field, work hard, remember all the skills he had been practicing, and do his best.  He grabbed his gear. Got his shoes, and said, “Dad, I’m ready to go.”

How did Mark’s emotions change throughout the story?

Mark’s emotions change throughout the story because he started off nervous for the football tryouts.  In the passage, it states that he kept wondering if he would do well, and that he had a hard time sleeping and eating the next morning.  He kept thinking about the tryouts, which made him nervous because he wanted to do well.  Once his Dad gave him a pep-talk, he started to feel better and was less nervous.  In the passage, it stated that Mark felt better once his Dad told him to do his best.  This helped to remind him that he had been practicing these skills and was ready.


Main idea 7

Plants have many ways to keep themselves safe.


Identifying theme 1.

What is the theme of this passage?

You have to take risks in order to get rewards.


What is an idiom?

Give the definition, and double points for an accurate example.

Idiom: a common saying with a meaning completely different from its dictionary meaning.

Example: Let’s hit the road. 


I carefully carried my teeming mug of coffee to the table

Teeming: full to the point of overflowing


Goose Migration-Use RACE strategy to respond to the prompt.

It is helpful for geese to fly in a V-shape because it helps them preserve their energy.  In the passage, it states that geese migrate south when it gets cold out to find a warmer place, but that the far distances can be difficult for the geese.  The geese get tired from flying, but when they fly in a V-shape, they are able to stay up in the air by getting a lift of air from another bird in front of them.  When they don’t have to fly as hard, or flap their wings as much, it allows their heart rates to lower and preserves energy.  The passage also states that the geese are safer when flying in a V-shape because they are able to watch out for each other and communicate.  That is why flying in a V-shape is helpful for birds.


Write a 4 sentence passage with this main idea in 4 minutes.

“Recess is important for students.”


Identifying theme 4.

1) What is the theme of this passage? 

2) What line in the passage helped you interpret the theme?

Be grateful for what you have.

last sentence of paragraph 2
