Key Concepts
Things to Know

a conversation between two or more people in a written piece

What is dialogue?


Choose the sentence that demonstrates correct use of a colon.

A. Dad: “Do not go to the concert, Philip, or you will be grounded for a week.”

B. Johnathan plans on bringing several supplies to the surprise party: balloons, streamers, and a camera.

C. Arianna knew she had two choices after high school: however, she wasn't sure which one she wanted to take.

What is B: Johnathan plans on bringing several supplies to the surprise party: balloons, streamers, and a camera.


I see sponges, soap and a car. I hear employees yelling that they need fresh towels. Where am I?

What is the car wash?

to find the similarities and differences between two elements
What is compare and contrast?

the time in which SBAC testing will take place next week

What is the morning only?


stands for something more than itself, either personally or publicaly

What is symbol?


A student is writing a paragraph for a guide on how to make a chocolate cake. Which sentence should contain a colon?

A. You also will need the following flour, salt, baking soda, cocoa, vinegar, oil, vanilla, water, and eggs.

B. Some items you will need include a mixing bowl, a mixer, a strainer, a measuring cup, and a baking pan.

C. Some people like to add liquid ingredients one at a time into the dry mixture, but others prefer to mix them separately.

What is A: You also will need the following flour, salt, baking soda, cocoa, vinegar, oil, vanilla, water, and eggs.

the information already given
What is explicit?
an assertion, argument, or opinion based on evidence
What is claim?

the result of falling asleep during testing

What is return to class and try again the next day?


something that may be true based on the information in the text

What is an inference?


Select the sentence that contains no misspelled words.

A. Ronney had a hypothosis about why he was fired: his boss saw him leave ten minutes early last week.

B. Erika is always the last one on the bus when we go to competitions; she is never in a hurry to get home and meanders through the crowd.

C. Joshua's parents let him go to every social function in town; they are the most leneint parents in our neighborhood.

What is B?:Erika is always the last one on the bus when we go to competitions; she is never in a hurry to get home and meanders through the crowd.

David knew that Nancy liked to read mystery stories. He had just finished reading one. he had liked it a lot, so he brought the book to school to give to Nancy. Nancy took the book. She said, "Wasn't the ending great!" Then she gave the book right back to David. -WHY DID NANCY GIVE THE BOOK BACK TO DAVID?
What is she had read it before?
details from the text to support your response
What is evidence?

a tool to utilize during the listening portion of the SBAC

What is the notepad?


utilizing someone else's work without giving them credit

What is plagiarism?


Choose the sentences that does not contain any spelling errors.

A. Jonathan's daily homework shows little attention to detail, and it is often distinguished by smudge marks; however, his art projects are meticulous and immaculate.

B. After stumbling during the foot race, Leo realized he had suffered some minor abrations as a result of his fall.

What is A? Jonathan's daily homework shows little attention to detail, and it is often distinguished by smudge marks; however, his art projects are meticulous and immaculate.

Make an inference: I begin in the morning . . . Tomorrow is always another . . . . . . at sunrise There are 365 of me in each year . . . and last until sunset Night is my opposite "yester" is always the one before I hope you have a nice . . . "to" is the one right now
What is DAY?
the most important message the author wants to communicate
What is main/central idea?

in order for your brain to receive proper oxygen during testing you must

What is sit up?


a feeling or idea that is suggested by a word

What is connotation?


Choose the sentences that does not contain any spelling errors.

A. Some scholars believe that Shakespeare enjoyed the patrenage of wealthy men who admired his writing and supported him as he brought his work to the London stage.

B. Marilyn was not only brilliant but also vivacious; people appreciated her for her thoughtful contributions to discussions as well as for her sparkling personality.

What is B? Marilyn was not only brilliant but also vivacious; people appreciated her for her thoughtful contributions to discussions as well as for her sparkling personality.


While Billy was on vacation, he took a trip on a boat. The boat took him to the whales' feeding ground. There were many passengers on the boat. Everyone was excited at the thought of seeing a whale. Suddenly, a whale surfaced. Everyone went quiet. It was an awesome sight. Billy's eyes popped out of his head and his mouth dropped open. He stared at the whale, unable to utter a sound. BILLY felt...

What is amazed?

using the information in a sentence or text to figure out meanings of unknown words
What are context clues?

a question that is left blank

What is marked incorrect?
