"Timmy was brave like a lion" is an example of this literary device.
What school lunch is served most often on Thursdays?
Chicken Nuggets
What is the name of this iconic Christmas movie character?
Buddy the Elf
This is a Jewish holiday in December commonly celebrated by lighting of the menorah (a candle with 9 branches).
How many days does it take the Earth to fully orbit the sun?
"Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore" is an example of this kind of literary device.
These are the school colors of North Kansas City High School.
Purple and Gold
What famous Christmas movie is this scene from?
A Christmas Story
What tool/item is a candy cane meant to resemble?
A shepherd's Crook (cane)
What is the main ingredient in Guacamole?
Johnny says "how could this day get any worse," and the story proceeds to get much worse later on, is an example of this literary device.
What is the mascot of Bell Prarie Elementary
The Mustangs
Other than Rudolph, what are the names of Santa's other 8 reindeer?
Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixon, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen
This winter holiday was started in 1966 as a celebration of African American culture.
What U.S. state is last alphabetically?
This device is when a story makes a reference to another well-known story. (Like saying "he was Romeo, I was Juliet")
What is the name of NKC School District's Superintendent?
Dr. Rochel Daniels
What gift is given by "My True Love" on the seventh day of the song "12 Days of Christmas"?
Seven Swans a-swimming
What is the shortest day of the year (day with the least amount of daylight)?
The winter solstice
What famous artist painted "Starry Night"?
Vincent Van Gogh
This literary device is when an image or object is used to represent a bigger idea.
These are the four pathways that NKC students may enroll in in high school
School of Business Leadership & Entrepreneurship
School of Design Innovation & Technology
School Health & Wellness
School of Public & Human Service
What popular Christmas song has the most streams all time on Spotify?
"All I Want for Christmas is You" by Mariah Carey
This creature, usually depicted with horns, is traditionally said to accompany Santa and punish naughty children.
What animal is responsible for more human deaths that any other?
The mosquito
Which New Mark Staff member just announced that they're having a baby in June?
Mr. Kelley