Making Inferences
Reading Genres

"Here kitty, kitty," called Zoe softly. The cat meowed, but refused to come closer. Zoe grabbed onto a sturdy branch above her head and in climbed a little closer. 

Where is Zoe? 

a. at a park 

b. in her house 

c. in a tree 

c. in a tree


The Letter

I got a letter from my best friend,

She moved last week to Houston.

She wrote about her big old house, as 

big as a mountain.

She told me about her big new school

And how it feels to go there without me.

         What kind of poem is this?

Free Verse Poem


pollution \ puh-LOO-shun \ noun

-the introduction of harmful things into the


Based on the dictionary entry, how many syllables are in the word pollution?

  1. One

  2. Two

  3. Three

  4. four

C. Three


A story using made-up characters that could happen in real life.

What is this genre?

Realistic fiction


Which statement is an opinion?

  1. Polar bears spend 7 to 8 hours a day sleeping.

  2. Mother polar bears are the best animal mothers.

  3. Female polar bears usually give birth to 2 cubs between November and December.

  4. The Inuit used to hunt polar bears.

2. Mother polar bears are the best animal mothers.


The waves crashed against the beach. Thunder cracked and lightning lit the sky.  The wind howled and bent trees over sideways.  People put shutters on their windows, bought supplies and were ready.  

What were the people expecting?

A hurricane


What is a group of lines in a poem that are usually set apart by a space?



Dr. Kaplow, a biologist from the Wildlife Department, stood nearby.

What does the word biologist mean?

A. A person who studies history

B. A person who specializes in fixing teeth

C. A person who studies animals and living things.

D. A person who studies rocks and minerals.

C. A person who studies animals and living things.


Written to create a response of thought and feeling.  It also usually has short line length.

What is this genre?



A picture looks really interesting, but I’m not really sure what it is.  

Which text feature will help me?



Tommy wanted to dunk a basketball more than anything.  He wouldn’t give up until he could do it.  He would work in the gym for hours practicing his steps and jumping at just the right time and place on the court.  Even though he knew it would be difficult, he kept trying and never gave up.  What kind of person is Tommy?

A.  Cowardly

B.  Brave

C.  Serious

D.  Determined

D.  Determined


After working in the backyard all day raking leaves, Dan slept like a log last night.  In the morning, he was all smiles.  “All that exercise made me hungry,” he told his mother.  “I could eat a house!”  He settled for pancakes.

Which phrase in this paragraph is a simile?

Slept like a log.


There was a hiatus in the conversation.

Nobody said anything for a while.  Then

Luis said, very softly, “May I make a


A hiatus is a -

A. Noise

B. Pause

C. Smile

D. Young child

B. Pause


Tells a story through the words and actions of characters.  It is usually acted out in front of people.

What is this genre?



The platypus is a different looking animal that lives in the rivers and coastal regions of Eastern Australia. It is a furry mammal, but it lays eggs. It lives near the water and uses its webbed feet to swim. Its nose resembles a duck’s bill which helps it as it gathers food such as shrimp. When the platypus swims underwater it closes both its eyes and ears. 

What is the author’s purpose?

To give information about the platypus. (inform)


The decision was difficult. No one would find out. She was the only one that would know. It would guarantee her a good grade, but was it worth it? Would she really feel proud passing this way? 

What was her struggle?

Whether or not to cheat


Emma rushed like the wind when she saw the mail.  She had been waiting for a letter from her aunt in Italy. “The sky is as blue as a robin’s egg today,” Emma’s aunt wrote, “and the sea is a shiny emerald beneath it.”

Which phrase in this paragraph is a metaphor?

The sea is a shiny emerald


Simon and his grandfather spent time on 

the bank of the Lower Neches River in 

East Texas one summer afternoon.

Which definition best fits the meaning of

the word bank?

A. A mound of rising ground

B. A business where people borrow and exchange money

C. A place for storing things

D. A container to store money

A. A mound of rising ground


The story of a real person’s life, written or told by another person.

What is this genre?



If you are feeling sad, you can make yourself feel better by doing a few simple things. You can take a walk (or get another form of exercise), you can talk to a friend, or you can write down your feelings. Doing something good for someone else will also help you feel better. If you still feel a little sad, act happy. It works like magic to make you feel better!

What is this paragraph mostly about?

  • Sometimes people feel sad

b. You should do good things for others

c. We’re not always happy

d. There are many ways to make yourself feel better

D. There are many ways to make yourself feel better


The man measures the wood and uses a saw to cut it. He puts the wood in place and hammers nails into it. He continues until the entire wall is built. 

What is this man’s job?

A carpenter


I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o’er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

        What is the rhyme scheme?



We expected Sam to take all day to finish 

digging up the garden.  He took less than an

afternoon.  That guy is a real ball of fire.

Someone who is a ball of fire – 

A. Doesn’t like to help others

B. Has bad burns on their arms and legs

C. Is puzzled and confused

D. Works amazingly fast and hard

D. Works amazingly fast and hard


Tells you how to do something with a  list of steps to follow in order; such as a recipe.

What is this genre?

Procedural Text


The beloved children's writer, Shel Silverstein is well known for his three books of children's poems. The first book, Where the Sidewalk Ends was first published in 1974. The second book, A Light in the Attic, came out seven years later in 1981. The final book, Falling Up, was published in 1996.


Which text structure is used in this paragraph?

a. compare and contrast    b.  description

c.  cause and effect        d.  sequence

  D.  sequence
