Figurative Language
Context clues
Pronouns/Adv./Aux verbs
Random stuff
More random standards

After working all day on his jumpshot, Jim was ready to "throw in the towel" but he kept practicing for the big game.  

What does "throw in the towel" mean? 

He was ready to quit.


The "patrons" at the hotel were unhappy when the air conditioning stopped working.  Some felt like they shouldn't have to pay the full price.

A. owners

B. workers

C. paying guests

D. cooks

C. paying guests

It was two weeks ago (when, where, why) we were told about the book report project.



Text that is written in lines and called stanzas is an element of which type of literature? 

A. prose

B. drama

C. poetry

C. poetry


What does the prefix re- mean? 

To do something again


One of these is an example of an onomatopoeia.  

A. the kitten purred as it rubbed against my leg.

B. You may cut out the circles now.

C. The coyote was a cunning character.

D. I wish my car would stop making funny noises. 

A. The kitten "purred" as it rubbed against my leg.


I remember when Betsy was a puppy.  She would "frolic" inthe park, chasing rabbits or anything else that caught her attention.

A. to bark

B. to guard

C. to pant because of the heat

D. to play

D. to play


The man, _____________ house burned down, safely escaped. 

who         whom         whose       which        that          



If something is happening right now, it is in what tense?

A. past

B. present

C. future

B. present

Which word in the sentence below needs to be capitalized?  

We are going to see Andrew jackson's home, the Hermitage over the summer break.



I wish my friend would not "boast" about her five ribbons from track. 

Which is a synonym for "boast"?

A. ships

B. brave

C. talk


D. brag


The new film has been "heralded" as the best family film in five years!

A. to be heard

B. to be announced

C. to make a recording

D. to only be watched while eating popcorn

B. to be announced


"I promise that she _________ return your call as soon as she gets home," said Erika's dad. 

A. should

B. would

C. might

D. will

D. will 


An audience memeber may read the cast of characters before a play begins.  This is an example of which type of literature? 

A. poetry

B. drama

C. prose

B. drama


Which text structure would be best used when sharing a favorite recipe with friends?  

A. description

B. cause/effect

C. problem/solution

D. sequence/order

D. sequence/order


Which of these contains an idiom? What does it mean?

A. The newborn baby was as light as a feather. 

B. Beth blew big bubbles.

C. Cade needs to hit the books as soon as he gets home from school.

D. Children splashed happily in the pool.

C. Cade needs to hit the books.

    Cade needs to study/do his homework.


If you want to go on the guided tour, you must be "punctual".  The tour guides begin at 9, and they will not wait a minute later.

A. prepared

B. late

C. on time

D. polite

C. on time


"You create such beautiful and delicious cupcakes and cakes!  You __________ open a bakery," I exclaimed to my friend Lucy.

A. will

B. should

C. may

D. might

B. should


Text taht is written in paragraphs is which type of literature? 

A. prose

B. poetry

C. drama

A. prose


Lucy had to stop and put gas in her car this morning, which made her late to school.

What TS is being used in this sentence?

A. description

B. cause/effect

C. problem/solution

D. compare/contrast

B. cause/effect


Choose the best antonym to replace the word in parentheses.  

Will was "exhausted" after he finished the marathon.

A. energized

B. weary

C. relieved

D. proud

B. weary


My dad doesn't hide his "disdain" for my favorite TV show.  When he finds me watching it, he starts to grumble under his breath and leaves the room.

A. to fear something

B. to have a strong dislike for something

C. to listen carefully

D. to watch carefully

B. to have a strong dislike for something


The lake, ________ freezes in the witner, is perfect for ice skating.  

A. who

B. whom

C. whose

D. Which

D. which


Which sentence is correctly written in past tense?

A. He spoked to the man and asked him for directions.

B. We was swimming yesterday at the community center.

C. Did you sawed the movie with your family?

D. Yesterday, my family and I were hiking through the woods. 

D. Yesterday, my family and I were hiking through the woods. 

What is the difference between first and third person POV?  

First person POV is when someone is part of the story.  Third person is told by a narrator who is watching the action.  Third knows character actions/thoughts/and hears the words that are spoken. 
