Textual Evidence
Theme/Central Idea
Meaning of Words
Text Structure

What is textual evidence?

What is information from the text that supports an inference?


What is a theme?

A recurring idea or message in a text.


What is dialogue?

Conversation between two or more characters in a text.


What is the denotative meaning of a word?

The dictionary definition of a word.


What is text structure?

The way a text is organized or put together.


What are inferences?

What are conclusions drawn from the text and background knowledge?


What is a central idea?

The main point or idea that the text conveys.


What is an incident?

An event or occurrence in a text.


What is the connotative meaning of a word?

The emotional or cultural associations that a word carries.


Give an example of a text with a chronological structure.

A text that is structured in the order that events occurred.


Give an example of a text-based inference.

Any valid text-based inference, such as "The character is nervous because she keeps biting her nails."


Give an example of a text and its theme or central idea.

The novel "Animal Farm" and its theme of power and corruption.


Give an example of how dialogue can propel the action in a text.

By revealing information or creating conflict between characters.


Give an example of a phrase with a figurative meaning.

"Break a leg" meaning "good luck" in theater.


Give an example of a text with a cause-and-effect structure.

A text that is structured to show the relationship between causes and effects.


How do you determine what textual evidence to use to support an inference?

By looking for evidence that directly relates to the inference being made.


How can you analyze the development of a theme or central idea over the course of a text?

By analyzing how the theme is introduced, developed, and resolved throughout the text.


Give an example of how an incident can reveal aspects of a character in a text.

By revealing a character's personality traits, beliefs, or motivations.


Give an example of a word with a connotative meaning.

"Cheap" connoting poor quality or stinginess.


How can an author's choice of text structure contribute to the overall meaning and effect of a text?

Text structure can emphasize certain ideas or information, and help readers better understand the author's purpose.


Explain why it's important to use textual evidence to support an inference.

To make sure that the inference is grounded in the text and not just based on assumptions or opinions.


Why is it important to analyze the development of a theme or central idea?

helps readers better understand the message that the author is trying to convey.


Give an example of how an incident can provoke a decision in a text.

By creating a turning point in the plot, causing a character to take action.


How can understanding the meaning of words and phrases help you understand a text?

Understanding the meaning of words and phrases can help readers better understand the author's message and the tone of the text.


Why is it important to analyze an author's choices concerning how to structure a text?

Analyzing an author's choice of text structure can help readers understand how the author is trying to convey their message, and how different parts of the text relate to each other.

RL8.6: 100 points: The perspective from which a story is told. 200 points: When the audience or reader knows something that the character(s) do not. 300 points: The audience knows that a character is in danger, but the character does not. 400 points: A character says or does something that they think is serious, but the audience knows it is funny. 500 points: Analyzing the differences in points of view can help readers better understand how the author is trying to create suspense, humor, or other effects.

RL8.7: 100 points: A visual representation of a story or play. 200 points: The written text of a play or movie. 300 points: A movie adaptation of a book that changes the ending. 400 points: A movie adaptation of a book that stays true to the plot and characters. 500 points: Analyzing the choices made by the director or actors can help readers understand how the adaptation differs from the original, and how those changes affect the story and its message.
