Common Test Questions & Vocab
Common Test Questions & Vocab
Reading the
Multiple Choice Test Questions
Writing & Things
What is the THEME of a story?
the message, moral or lesson
"Which of the following details least supports the central idea of the passage?" In this question I have to find the answer choice that does NOT really ______________the central idea.
What are at least 2 things you should do BEFORE reading each passage?
1. Read the directions 2. Read the questions you will have to answer. 3. Read the title of the article, story or poem 4. Read the subheadings 5. Look at any pictures and captions
What should you do if you are not sure what answer choice is the correct one? a) Don't bubble in any answer and leave it blank b) Spend 15 minutes trying to decide on an answer c) Eliminate the obvious wrong answer choices and then make an educated guess

What should you do when you are answering short response questions?

1. Restate the question

2. Answer it

3. Provide evidence

"How does paragraph 4 CONTRIBUTE to the development of ideas in the text?" In this question, I am being asked how paragraph 4 _____________ the development of ideas in the passage.
adds to, builds on
"What do the character’s actions in paragraph 3 REVEAL about him?" The word reveal means ______________.
shows, uncovers, unveils
True or False: you shouldn't chunk and code the passages as you read because it is distracting and wastes time.
FALSE! You SHOULD annotate the text because it helps you better understand what you are reading and will help you answer the questions. Also, the test is not timed, so you can take as long as you need to!
Why should you underline or circle key words in the questions?
To help you understand EXACTLY what each question is asking you and help you know what to focus on when you read the passage. The questions are often tricky and if you don't read them carefully and focus on the key words you might make a careless mistake when answering the question!

True or False: You should always reread what you wrote before moving on to the next question. Why or why not?

TRUE! You should always reread what you wrote as your answer to make sure that... 1. You didn't make any careless mistakes in spelling, punctuation or grammar that would make it difficult for someone to understand. 2. You provided evidence. 3. You actually answered the EXACT question you are being asked to answer


"Which of the sentences from the passage best supports the author’s central idea?" In this question the word best tells me that all the answer choices could be _____________, but I have to find the ______________ answer.

correct best

“What can you INFER about the main character based on the information in paragraph 3?" The word infer means _________________________
to make an education guess or conclusion based on evidence, prior knowledge (background knowledge), and logical reasoning.

What are at least 2 things you can do to annotate/code the passages you are reading?

1. Underline or highlight important words and sentences. 2. Write notes or summarize the paragraphs in the margins.

True or False: You should read all the answer choices, even if the first or second answer sounds correct to you.
TRUE! Almost every question will have 2 answer choices that are somewhat easy to eliminate and then 1 answer choice that is there to trick you! So you should read and reread each answer choice carefully and check back to the text to make sure you are choosing the correct answer and not the trick answer!

What is the connotative meaning of a word?

An idea or feeling associated with a word


"How does the author’s ALLUSION to Pandora’s Box contribute to the meaning of paragraph 4?" The word allusion means _________________

Allusion means "reference". Eg: In a story one of the characters may ask his friend, "Why did you jump off the roof? Were you trying to be Superman?!" The character is making an ALLUSION or reference to another story/movie (Superman). You may also see a question that uses the word "alludes". 


"Which sentence from the article best reveals the author's Point of View?" ---The authors "Point of View" means the author's_______?

opinion. perspective. view point


When is Ms. Moreland's birthday?

September 3rd


What does going back to check your work look like?

Rereading each question carefully and the answer you chose, and check the text again to make sure you still think that is the right answer. 

The author's PURPOSE could be what?

to persuade. to inform. to entertain
