Text Structure
Author's Purpose/Point of View
Plot/Development of the story
Context clues
Power Words

In which type of text structure does an author provide details of events in the order in which they happened.


How does this sentence contribute to the structure of the story?


What is the author's purpose if they are trying to convince you to do something.


What is the author's purpose in including lines 12-14 in the passage?

To persuade the readers to take action.


Which part of the plot is when the story is at it's highest point or at the turning point?


How does line 57 best contribute to the development of the story?

By signaling a turning point.


While I was running, I rambooed on a stick and broke my ankle. What does the word "rambooed" mean?

fell, tripped


To examine carefully and in close detail.


You need to analyze the questions and the text in order to do well on the ELA exam.


In this type of text structure an author discusses similiarities and differences between two or more subjects.

Compare and Contrast

How are the details in paragraphs 13 and 14 organized.

as a comparison of the village before and after the government sold the land


What is the author's purpose if they are giving you lots of facts and details about a topic.

To inform

What is the author's purpose in including lines 12-14 in the passage?

To inform readers that teens are not getting enough sleep.


Which part of the plot is where the conflict is revealed?

Introduction or Exposition

How does line 43 contribute to the development of the story?

By introducing a new conflict


Sarah did not like Quinn at all, they were certainly FOES. However, after they talked, they became best friends. What does the word FOES mean in the sentence above?

enemy, not friends


The message or the lesson the author is trying to 


Which sentence best expresses the theme of the story?

Sometimes people make choices to please others


In which type of text structure does an author provide information about an issue and ways to fix it.

Problem and Solution

How are the details in paragraphs 18-21 organized?

As an explanation of the solution to a problem in the environment


What is the author's purpose if it is enjoyable, holds your attention and interests the reader

To entertain

What is the author's purpose in including lines 12-14 in the passage?


All of the events and actions that lead up to the climax

Rising Action

How do lines 14-16 develop the plot of the story?

These events help to develop Paige's internal conflict


After the bird escaped, Chris tried to COAX it back into the cage with treats. What does COAX mean in the sentence above?

to persuade, to get the bird to do something


The point the author wants you to remember most.

Central or Main Idea

Lines 36-42 mainly develop a central idea of the story by revealing

the significance of the support of family members even when they are absent


In which type of text structure does an author tell what happened and why it happened.

Cause and Effect

How do paragraphs 4-7 contribute the overall structure of the article?

As a description of how a problem was caused in the area and its effects.


How the author thinks and feels about the topic is their......

Point of View

Which sentence most likely expresses Wangari's point of view?

People can make the changes they want by working together with determination.


When you see the word develop in a question what does it mean?

How do lines 25-40 develop the conflict of the story?


Dad had no need for the broken air conditioner, so he discarded it on the corner by the trash. What is the meaning of the word DISCARDED?
to throw away, get rid of

The overall feeling the author creates for their audience.  Mood is created through the tone, setting and word choice. 


How do lines 12-16 develop the mood of the story

By creating a 


In this type of text structure the author gives many details and characteristics about a specific topic.


How does paragraph 14 contribute to the development of the story?

As a description of how animal habitats have changed.


How does the author convey their point of view?

What does the word convey mean?

Convey means to show or communicate.  It is how the author gets you to understand the point of view.

The author conveys Ramon's point of view in the story mostly by

Including dialogue between Ramon and his father


What is an inference?

a conclusion or a statement made based on the information provided

You will need to make LOTS of inferences on the state test.

In line 55, why does Ramon suggest that he will "stay on deck while the others dive"



“ The point is,” continued Uncle Nigel, “your aunt is on a short fuse. And you’d be wise to be model children for her until we sail through this rough patch.” . . . What is the best description of the term short fuse?



Easily annoyed

Hard to please

Hard to find


The attitude of the writer toward the subject


What effect does the sentence have on the tone of the story
