Writing Mechanics
Information & Understanding
Literary Response & Expression
Critical Analysis & Evaluation
Rewrite the following sentence using the correct capitalization: During Spring Break, my family and i went to florida to visit family.
During spring break, my family and I went to Florida to visit family.
Using R.A.C.E answer the following: What is one way Johnny was affected by being jumped by the Socs in The Outsiders?
What is..... One way Johnny was affected by being jumped by the Socs is...
What was one curious benefit from the fire in Centralia, PA?
What is the snow melting from the heated side walk or the fame
Name the elements of plot
What are exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
What is the definition of author's purpose?
What is the reason why an author wrote something.
Identify the conjunction in the following sentence: Christina and Ann talked on the phone.
What is "and"
Using R.A.C.E answer the following: Explain how the Socs are more accepted by society than the Greasers. Give 2 examples.
What is... The Socs are accpeted by society more than the Greasers because...
List 3 similarites the Socs and the Greasers have to one another.
What is they are both gangs, they both have each others back, they both dislike one another
Name 2 of the most common points of view we see in written work and give words use that indicate when each of the pov's is being used.
What is first person: I, me. Third person: She, They
What was the author's purpose for writing "It's the write thing to do at this school?"
What is to inform you about current events.
Identify the dependent clause in the following sentence: Though Sonal often rides her bike to school, Amy sometimes drives her.
What is "Amy sometimes drives her"
Using R.A.C.E answer the following question: Ho has Darry grown up too fast? Give 2 details to help support your answer.
What is... Darry has grown up too fast because he was left with the responsibility of taking care of his brothers after his parents died. He had to give up his dream to go to college in order to work to help support the family and he had to give up hanging with his buddies and doing typical teenage stuff.
What was the main idea in the artice "It's the write thing to do at this school?
What is Offering alternative outlets to students in a time where testing is priority will help in their learning process.
What is foreshadowing? Give an example of how foreshadowing was used in The Outsiders.
What is when an author gives a subtle hint about what is going to happen in the future of the novel.
Name 3 ways you can try and persuade someone?
What is advertisements, articles, speeches, essays, letters, commercials
How would you change the following sentence to show correct subject-verb agreement: Every single day, people pours ketchup on hot dogs, scrambled eggs, and other foods.
What is Every single day, people pour ketchup on hot dogs, scrambled eggs, and other foods.
Using R.A.C.E answer the following question: Explain how Johnny's character has changed from the beginning of the novel up until the end of chapter 5, when him and Ponyboy are hiding out in the church. Use details to support your answer.
What is Since the beginning of the novel Johnny has gone from being the scared boy who never traveks alone to a tougher, more responsible, and more mature person. He steps up and defends himself and Ponyboy when they get jumped in the park and he takes on the leadership role when him and Ponyboy leave town.
Name 5 sequence transition words.
What are first, second, last, then, before, after, during, currently, when, through, until, presently, finally, gradually, in the future, later, soon, recently, now, suddenly, following.
Give 3 examples of figurative language and their definition.
What is simile, metaphor, onomatopoeia, personification.
what are the 3 things you have to consider when trying to be persuasive?
What are subject, position, and target audience.
Add the correct punctuation to the following sentence: I'm not saying I want to move to New York City I'm just saying I don't mind visiting.
What is add a semicolon between City and I'm
Using R.A.C.E answer the following question: What does Ponyboy mean when he says "Nothing gold can stay." Use details to support your answer.
What is... When Ponyboy says "Nothing gold can stay" he is refering to the innocence of new things. You are given one small window of time to enjoy the time when everything in the world seems alright.
Define inference and explain how it is different than drawing a conclusion.
What is An inference is a guess that you make about what is going to happen in the story and drawing a conclusion is when you make a decsion based on one or more inferences and details
What is a theme that is present in The Outsiders?
What is life is rough all over, friendship, loyalty
Give an example of a reason you would send a persuasive letter. What information would u include in the letter and how would it help you in being persuasive?
What is ....