That's part of the plot
I can R.A.C.E
Correct the Sentence
What does it mean?
Riddles *Evil Laugh*

Which answer gives the BEST theme for the story "Thank You M'am"?

A. There are good people in the world willing to give you a second chance.

B. Roger was Ms. Luella Bates Washington Jones long lost son

C. Never steal from women

D. Ms. Jones and Roger became best friends after getting to know each other. 

Correct Answer

A. There are good people in the world willing to give you a second chance. 

Remember that the theme DOES NOT involve characters and it is the overall LESSON.


Was the question properly restated using the R.A.C.E strategy? If the question was not correct restated, please re-write it in its correct format.

Question: Should students be able to use cell phones in school?

Cell Phones should be allowed in school.

Correct Answer:

Students should be allowed to use cell phones in school because ______________________


Correct the Sentence

again for the last time my name is not rebecca it is molly.

There are three commas in this sentence.

Six corrections altogether

Correct Sentence

Again, for the last time, my name is not Rebecca, it is Molly. 


What did the mean author mean when he said, "sweat popped from boy's face as he began to struggle"?

A. That his sweat was jumping off his face

B. That his face was turning red

C. That he started to sweat as he was trying to get away from Ms. Jones

Correct Answer

C. That he started to sweat as he was trying to get away from Ms. Jones


What has many rings but has not fingers?

Correct Answer

A Cell Phone



The expedition of the the story Thank you M'am is...

A. Roger and Ms. Maddie at a movie theater 

B. Roger and Ms. Jones in an outside area

C. Ms. Jones and Arthur at a house

D. Ms. Jones and Robbie at a school

Correct Answer

Roger and Ms. Jones in a outside area.

The expedition involves the setting and the main characters in the story


When using the A in the R.A.C.E strategy, it is usually combined with the R when answering the question.

True or False

Correct Answer



Correct the sentence

after handing back the womans change the woman replied thank you the casher replied Your welcome.

This sentence needs three commas and two periods. Altogether there are eleven corrections

Correct Sentence

After handing back the woman's change, the woman replied, "Thank you." The cashier replied, "You're welcome." 


What was Ms. Jones implying when she said, "I have done things too, which I would not tell you, neither tell God, if he didnt already know."

A. That she has always lived a perfect life

B. That Roger needs to mind his own business 

C. That she has done things that she is not proud of but has learned from them.

D. That she is still struggling with being a good person in life.

Correct Answer

C. That she has done things that she is not proud of but has learned from them.


If you give me drink, I die, But if you feed me I grow?

Correct Answer



Roger being caught in the act of trying to take Ms. Luella Bates Washington Jones bag is part of the 

A. Climax

B. Resolution

C. Rising Action

D. Falling Action

Correct Answer

Rising Action


When using the Citing in the R.A.C.E strategy, it is okay to write down your own individual thoughts.

True or False

Correct Answer


(Yall aint Doctors.... yet :-))


okay class for todays assignment we will be taking notes on how to disect a frog so pleease take out your notees and a pencil got start. 

The sentence needs two commas, one period. 

10 corrections altogether

Correct Answer

Okay class, for today's assignment, we will be taking notes on how to dissect a frog. So please take out your notes and a pencil get started. 


When the author said that, "Ms. Jones did not ask Roger any further questions that would embarrass him". What was he implying?

A. That Roger already felt embarrass for getting caught stealing 

B. That Roger felt embarrass that he has eat with her.

C. That Roger did not feel embarrass cause he has money back at home.

D. Roger felt embarrassed cause Ms. Jones took his money when he was not watching. 

Correct Answer

C. That Roger already felt embarrassed for getting caught stealing


What has words but can not verbally speak?

Hint: Starts with a B

Correct Answer



Which one of these is the BEST answer for the climax of the story?

A. Mrs. Jones kicking Roger in the seat of his pants

B. Roger accepting money from Mrs. Jones

C. Roger saying "Thank you" at the end of the story

D. Roger not running outside of the door and wanting Ms. Jones to see it. 

Correct Answer

D. Roger not running outside of the door and wanting Ms. Jones to see it. 


Look at the sentence below and tell me what is wrong with how they used the R.A.C.E

I think students should use cell phones in school because it will help them look up resources that can help them finish their classwork. In my opinion, the way that schools are moving to everything being digital, it only makes sense for the students to use cell phones cause we are already doing majority of our assignments on computers. In closing, students should be able to use cells phones because it is beneficial to students using it for resources and majority of our work is already digital. 

Correct Answer

They forgot to use C to cite their source. (In the text or According to the text)


Correct the sentence

the young men said, "there dog was disobedient and wanted to give him away. and even though the dog was a chistmas present it was the principal of the matter. 

There are seven corrections. The sentence needs two commas and two periods. 

Correct Answer

The young man said, "There dog was disobedient and wanted to give him away. Even though the dog was a Christmas present, it was the principle of the matter. 


What did Ms. Jones mean when she said, "And next time, do not make the mistake of latching onto my pocket book nor anybody else's because shoes come by devilish like that will burn your feet." 

A. That the shoes were left out in the sun and will burn his feet when he tried to put them on.

B. That the consequences next time to get the shoes may be more than he bargained for

C. The shoes were owned by the devil himself

D. That she used to own shoes like that and it burnt her feet so she was warning him not to pay the shoes in the future. 

Correct Answer

B. That the consequences next time to get the shoes may be more than he bargained for


What is something you break when you speak?

Hint: Starts with S

Correct Answer



Which one of these acts was the falling action of the story Thank you m'am?

A. Roger trying to steal Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones Purse

B. Roger not running out of the door when he had the chance

C. Ms. Jones feeding Roger and giving him money

D. Roger saying thank you and Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones closing the door. 

Correct Answer

C. Ms. Jones feeding Roger and giving him money.

When writing for E in R.A.C.E, you must explain in your own words what the evidence you wrote said in C. 

True or False

Correct Answer

True (In other word; to explain; what the author is saying...)


Correct the sentence

walmart is encorporating a new policey where employes have to be at they're new shift ten minutes earlier. rasean said they dont pay me enough to be on time.

There are nine mistakes. The sentence needs two periods and one comma.

Correct Answer

Walmart is incorporating a new policy where employees have to be at their new shift ten minutes earlier. RaSean said, "They dont pay me enough to be on time".

When the author said, The boy wanted to say something else besides, "thank you". What was the author implying?

A. Roger was grateful for Mrs. Jones hospitality

B. Roger wanted to tell her about herself

C. Roger wanted to tell her that he was going to come back with the squad

D. Roger was mad that she did not give him something to drink with the cocoa bread.

Correct Answer

A. Roger was grateful for Mrs. Jones hospitality 


What is greater than the gods, more evil than the devil himself, what the poor have and the rich doesn't need it and if you eat this, you will starve and die?

Hint: Starts with N

Correct Answer


Nothing is greater than the gods, nothing is more evil than the devil himself, the poor have nothing and the rich do not need nothing and if you eat nothing, you will starve and die. :-)
