Figurative Language
Mood/Tone/Author's Purpose
What kind of figurative language compares two unlike things NOT using like or as?
To make an inference, you use clues + your _________.
What is schema?
What is the theme?
The big idea of a story.
What are the 3 purposes an author might have to compose a text? (Hint: PIE)
Persuade, Inform, Entertain
In every story, the conflict has to be related to the ___________. This word refers to how the conflict/problem in the story is solved.
What is personification?
Giving a non-human thing human characteristics. For example, "distant winds howled" (Coraline, p. 47)
Every day after work Paul took his muddy boots off on the steps of the front porch. Alice would have a fit if the boots made it so far as the welcome mat. He then took off his dusty overalls and threw them into a plastic garbage bag; Alice left a new garbage bag tied to the porch railing for him every morning. On his way in the house, he dropped the garbage bag off at the washing machine and went straight up the stairs to the shower as he was instructed. He would eat dinner with her after he was “presentable,” as Alice had often said. What type of job does Paul do?
What is a garbage man? (or other applicable job)
Name one theme of Coraline!
multiple answers
Explain the difference between tone and mood.
Tone is the author's attitude toward his/her writing and the reader. Mood is the general atmosphere created by the author's words. It is the feeling the reader gets from the text.
Explain what the exposition of a story is.
The exposition provides background information for a story and is usually located at the beginning of the story. The exposition often includes an introduction to some of the characters, as well as the setting (time and place.)
Name that figurative language! "Her other mother's hand scuttled off Coraline's shoulder like a frightened spider" (Coraline, p. 46)
Today was a special day in Ms. Smith’s class. Some of the children were walking around the room, some of them were standing in small groups, and some of them were at their desks, putting finishing touches on cardboard mailboxes. After coloring a cool flame on the side of his racecar mailbox, Johnny hopped off his chair, strutted over to Veronica’s desk, and dropped a small white envelope into her princess castle mailbox. Veronica blushed and played with her hair. While this was happening, Bartleby was frantically trying to put a small white envelope into everyone’s mailbox. After giving one to Ms. Smith, Bartleby pulled out a medium-sized red envelope from his pocket. He blushed and tried to put it in Veronica’s mailbox, but it wouldn’t quite fit. Bartleby struggled with it for a few seconds and then ran off with the envelope. Veronica rolled her eyes and popped her gum. What special day is today?
What is Valentines Day?
Name one theme of Coraline and give evidence from the text to explain how you knew it was a theme.
multiple answers
What is the author's tone in the following text? Explain why you think so, using evidence to support your answer. "We received your request for a refund for your recent purchase of a telescope for your son. Please accept our sincere apologies that the product did not function as advertised. We will process the refund in as timely a manner as possible. In the meantime, if we can help you in any other way, please ask."
apologetic, sincere, sorry, professional, etc. ...because the company responded promptly(on time), admitted that there was an error on THEIR part, and proposed a solution to fix the problem. They even offered to help in any other way. The author uses phrases like: "Please accept our sincere apologies" "as timely a manner as possible" "if we can help you in any other way, please ask."
We lived on the main residential street in town—Atticus, Jem and I, plus Calpurnia our cook. Jem and I found our father satisfactory: he played with us, read to us, and treated us with courteous detachment… Our mother died when I was two, so I never felt her absence. She was a Graham from Montgomery; Atticus met her when he was first elected to the state legislature. What point of view is this excerpt written from? Explain how you know!
First person because the narrator is involved in the story. The narrator is telling the story with himself/herself involved as a character. The narrator uses "I", "We", "Our", etc.
Name that figurative language! "All the songs I have written for the mice to play go oompah oompah. But the white mice will only play toodle oodle, like that."
As the teacher brought the class back from the washroom, he noticed that Alvin and Elijah were nowhere to be seen. He asked the class, "Has anyone seen Alvin or Elijah?" Most of the students confirmed that they had not seen them, except for Rodney, who remained silent while tapping his foot on the floor anxiously. The teacher noticed this. "Rodney, do you happen to know where your best buddies Alvin and Elijah went?" Rodney looked away and said, "Nah, I haven't seen them." The teacher notified the office of the missing students. An announcement was made over the PA system and a few minutes later, Alvin and Elijah returned to class. Both of them were very sweaty and Elijah was carrying a basketball. "Sorry we took so long. We had to use the bathroom," said Elijah. "Yeah," chimed in Alvin, "it took longer than we thought." What were Alvin and Elijah doing while they were gone?
What is playing in the gym/playing basketball?
In his sophomore year of high school, Michael Jordan tried out for the varsity basketball team at Laney High School in Wilmington, North Carolina. But at five feet and eleven inches tall, the coach believed that Jordan was too short to play at that level, so Jordan was cut from the team. Jordan didn’t let this obstacle defeat him. In fact, it pushed him to work even harder. He trained vigorously and grew another four inches the following summer. When he finally made the varsity squad, Jordan averaged 25 points a game and went on to become one of the greatest basketball players in history. What is the theme of the story?
Perseverance/Never give up/It pays to work hard
What point of view is the following excerpt written from? Explain how you know using evidence to support your answer. “Annabel,” said Jimmy, “give me that rose you are wearing, will you?” Hardly believing that she had heard him right, she unpinned the flower from her dress and placed it in his hand. Jimmy Valentine put on his coat and walked outside the railing toward the front door. As he went he thought he heard a faraway voice that he once knew.
Third person because the narrator does not include himself/herself in the story as a character. It is as if the narrator is looking down on the events occurring and telling the reader exactly what is going on. The author uses words like "He", "She", "Him", etc.
Name that figurative language! "Her heart beat so hard and so loudly she was scared it would burst out of her chest" (Coraline, p. 47)
Tony walked out of the shopping mall with his arms full of bags and the sun shining on him. As he approached his car, he started feeling around his pockets with his arm full of bags. He did not find what he was looking for so he transferred the bags on one arm to the other arm, which already had bags. Tony had a lot of bags on one arm. He still couldn't find what he was looking for. Now he dropped the bags and plunged both hands desperately into all of the pockets on his jeans. With a look of despair, Tony ran to his car. He tried to open the door, but it was locked. Then he saw something on the passenger seat of the car. He stopped looking and pulled his phone out of his pocket. Why does Tony get so frantic?
He is trying to find his keys and they are locked in the car.
A Hare was very popular with the other beasts who all claimed to be her friends. But one day she heard the hounds approaching and hoped to escape them by the aid of her many Friends. So, she went to the horse, and asked him to carry her away from the hounds on his back. But he declined, stating that he had important work to do for his master. “He felt sure,” he said, “that all her other friends would come to her assistance.” She then applied to the bull, and hoped that he would repel the hounds with his horns. The bull replied: “I am very sorry, but I have an appointment with a lady; but I feel sure that our friend the goat will do what you want.” The goat, however, feared that his back might do her some harm if he took her upon it. The ram, he felt sure, was the proper friend to apply to. So she went to the ram and told him the case. The ram replied: “Another time, my dear friend. I do not like to interfere on the present occasion, as hounds have been known to eat sheep as well as hares.” The Hare then applied, as a last hope, to the calf, who regretted that he was unable to help her, as he did not like to take the responsibility upon himself, as so many older persons than himself had declined the task. By this time the hounds had caught the Hare, and tore him to shreds. What is the moral of the story?
Don't depend on others/Do for yourself
What would the author's purpose be for writing this text? Explain how you know by supporting your answer with evidence. A speech written by a professional athlete listing the negative effects of steroids and urging young athletes to not use steroids.
Persuade because the point of the speech is to prevent young athletes from using steroids. They would also be informing because they would be giving young athletes facts and information; however, the main purpose of the speech is to persuade those young athletes not to use steroids because of the negative impact they could have.
DAILY DOUBLE!!!!!! Every team may participate. Identify the main climax (most suspenseful part) and the falling actions that follow the climax in the novel Coraline. Explain why you think so.
Climax: Coraline saves the spirits and her parents, and escapes from the other mother. Falling actions following climax: Other Mother's hand comes back and Coraline devises a plan to get rid of the hand (and Other Mother) for good.