Name the Type of Conflict!
Make an Inference!
Use your context clues!
Name a possible theme!
Important Definitions!

Anthony and his friend Connor got into a huge argument last night. They haven't talked since!


Character vs. Character


Cherise was walking in her neighborhood and as she looked around she stopped suddenly and her jaw dropped while her eyes widened.

-She saw a person breaking into someone's house to steal some valuables.

-She heard a car run into her neighbor's mailbox and drive off.


Lupita's friend responded to her question in a brusque, or rude, manner. 



Nikki's little sister Ellen is always playing tricks on her. Every day, she tries to convince Nikki to believe ridiculous things are happening and that she needs her help. Each time Nikki falls for it which causes Ellen to laugh at her. But one day, Ellen needed help when their cat got trapped on the roof. When she tried convincing Nikki of this, Nikki just shook her head and left with her friends. So Ellen was left to deal with this all on her own. 

-Liars can not be trusted.




A struggle between opposing forces. Usually between the protagonist and one or more antagonist


Ella was feeling stressed because she forgot to study for her math test. She thinks she might fail it!


Character vs. Self


Tristen was at the grocery store and heard a loud noise.

-Someone crashed their shopping cart into the shelf of cans and they went rolling everywhere.

-Someone dropped a huge thing of soda and it exploded, making the soda shoot up at the ceiling.



Iker is so audacious, he is always doing some daring and courageous activity. 

daring and courageous 


Aidan plays football and someone on his team always tries to hog the ball and not be a team player. Even though the coaches and other players have tried to talk to him about it, he still does as he pleases. During the first half of the championship game, the player decides to go after a play that was not his which causes a fumble. As a result the other team scores a touchdown and the reckless player laughs about it which makes the coach pull him out of the game. During the second half the team, consisting of second and third string players, works together and pulls out a win.

-Working as a team helps lighten the load.




Background knowledge


Finn just found out that there was a new law made that he could not play soccer anymore! Him and his team decided to protest this new law.


Character vs Society


Axel saw a woman standing outside of her house holding a letter and fighting back tears in her eyes.

-She was crying because received a note that someone in her family was hurt. 

-She found out she got rejected from her dream college and now she did not know what she was going to do.



Azul put her dog in a gaudy Halloween costume and her mom said it was super tacky looking!



Sadie was made fun of by the other dogs because she was smaller than all of them. The other dogs never wanted to play with Sadie. However, one day, animal control was trying to capture the dogs. Sadie was so small that she was able to sneak past the man and create a distraction. She knocked over a box of fruit from a vendor. The man got distracted by the rolling fruit and turned around, allowing all the dogs to escape. Sadie saved the day! The dogs never made fun of her again. 

-Do not make assumptions about someone because they will surprise you.




Making a conclusion based on observations and your background knowledge. 


Aislinn has to decide between going to her friend's birthday party this weekend or spending the day with her family. She is so worried about what decision to make!


Character vs. Self


Cami saw her friend Renata lying on the floor.

-Renata fell out of her chair because she was messing around.

-Renata was tired because she didn't sleep much the night before and fell asleep.



Vince's little sister's screaming is incessant --- it never ends!

never ending


Jorgi and her friend Lupita decided to go skiing together. When they got to the resort, the workers told them there was an emergency and everything was shut down! Jorgi and Lupita were super upset. They decided to try and find other activities to do. They ended up having even more fun than they would have skiing. They were both just happy to be with one another. 

-If something goes wrong, try to find the good in the situation. 




Hints that authors provide to readers to help them understand the meaning of unfamiliar words. 


Jackson was walking home from school when all of a sudden a gust of wind knocked his final project that was worth half of his grade out of his hand!


Character vs. Nature


Jordan arrived at school and realized she was wearing two different kinds of shoes.

-She overslept and was in a rush this morning to get ready because her alarm did not go off.

-She picked out her shoes in the dark and did not see she grabbed mismatch shoes because her room was pitch black.



Emily and Zoey got into a terrible quibble that made them not talk for days!

argument or fight


Dom's cousin, who was his best friend, won the lottery. The cousin, who was once nice and helpful to those around, became stingy with his money despite being a billionaire. The cousin cut everyone off in his family because he thought they only wanted his money, which was not the case. Soon the cousin became lonely and realized his money was all he had left.

-Do not let money change who you are as a person.



Define THEME

The lesson the author wants the reader to learn about the world. Written as a piece of advice in a complete sentence.
