Dictionary Skills / Word Study
Predictions / Inferences / Key Ideas
Author's Use of Language/ Mood / Voice
Context Clues/ Literary Devices / Organizational Pattern
Author's Purpose / Paraphrase / Controlling Idea

What is the meaning of the word mission

Decked out in his Zephyrs, Jaylen said, he saw himself as having a mission. He would dart ahead of his friends and check for any danger they might encounter on their trek. "The minute I see the danger, I fly back and alert them."

A. Assignment

B. Adventure

C. Daydream

D. Flight

What is A. Assignment


Which of the following could best be used as additional supporting evidence for this idea? 

Nonviolent protest is an effective and inspiring way to pursue social justice.

A. A description of Susan B. Anthony's appearance and manner by someone who lived during her time

B. Statistics showing how widespread protest was on college campuses in the United States during the 1960s

C. An explanation of the way Martin Luther King, Jr.'s program of nonviolence led to laws protecting African American rights

D. A list of the dates on which women in the United States won various rights, including the right to dispose of their own property

What is C. An explanation of the way Martin Luther King, Jr.'s program of nonviolence led to laws protecting African American rights


The point of view of this selection is best described as — 

"I had known for a long time that the people about me used a method of communication different from mine; and even before I knew that a deaf child could be taught to speak, I was conscious of dissatisfaction with the means of communication I already possessed..."

F. first-person, because the narrator tells her own story in her own voice

G. first-person, because the narrator relays several characters' thoughts

H. third-person, because the narrator uses pronouns like she and her

J. third-person, because the narrator is an all-knowing observer

What is F. first-person, because the narrator tells her own story in her own voice


Which words from the paragraph help the reader know what destination means?

Every day I can pick a destination to visit. For example, when I read Anne of Green Gables, I imagine myself traveling to the small, quaint village of Avonlea where I am frolicking with Anne, Diane, Ruby, and Gilbert on their adventures. Accompanying Jim Hawkins in the world of Treasure Island, I envision what it might have been like to sail on a ship and explore for buried treasure. In The Birchbark House, I am living and learning about Omakayas and her Ojibwa family.  

A.visit, traveling

B. small, quaint

C. frolicking, explore

D. living, learning

What is A. visit, traveling


What is the best way to paraphrase Mother’s instructions for Mary? 

MOTHER: Mary, you cover this bread dough with a damp cloth so it doesn’t ruin. Then you mind the baby. 

A. Help care for the baby before you do anything to the bread dough.

B. Don't ignore the baby, and don't take your eyes off the bread.

C. Place a cloth on the dough so it doesn't go bad and look after the baby.

D. Be sure to keep the dough damp so that it doesn't spoil while we're gone.

What is C. Place a cloth on the dough so it doesn't go bad and look after the baby.


Which definition of the word element is used in the selection?

"I was eager to imitate every motion and in an hour had learned six elements of speech: M, P, A, S, T, I. Miss Fuller gave me eleven lessons in all."

element (EL uh ment) n. 

1. one of four substances: air, earth, fire, and water

2. one of the parts that makes up something 

3. a metal or ceramic part of a device, such as a hot plate, that uses electricity to produce heat 

4. one of the most basic chemical materials

What is B. Definition 2


What can you predict about this selection based on the title below?

The Great Oz Exposed!  

F. The characters will finally become friends with Oz.

G.The mystery of who Oz is will finally be revealed.

H. Thea and her friends will be allowed to return home.

J. The many secrets of the Throne Room will be discovered.

What is G.The mystery of who Oz is will finally be revealed.


Which is the best description of the author’s voice in this sentence? 

"There are so many more I could tell you about."

A. Analytical

B. Conversational

C. Cool

D. Fiery

What is B. Conversational


Which sentence from the selections indicates that a flashback is beginning?

F. "When Anar came to pick me up for the Holi celebration, she handed me a plain white shirt." 

G. "When we arrived, I could hear the music playing, and lots of people were milling about."

H. "I remember the first time I performed with a band."

J. "That was the beginning of my love of performing."

What is H. I remember the first time I performed with a band. (Selection 2, paragraph 2)


The purpose of the introduction to the article is most clearly to — 

Introduction - This article discusses Barbara McClintock and her research on genes. A gene (JEEN) is a kind of messenger in the body of a living creature. Genes are located in the cells of an organism on thread-like structures called chromosomes. Each gene contains and transmits specific information about what an organism will look like and how it will behave. Through genes, parents pass down their characteristics to their offspring.

F. expand students' science and technical vocabulary

G. introduce Barbara McClintock's accomplishments

H. help readers understand a basic concept in the article

J. capture students' interest in the topic of the main article

What is H. help readers understand a basic concept in the article


What is the meaning of the word ghastly in this sentence? Base your answer on context. 

"Reading Edgar Allan Poe’s ghastly tales of horror leaves me so terrified that I can barely turn the page!"

A. Frightening

B. Nervous

C. Paralyzed

D. Difficult

What is A. Frightening


The author uses the question at the beginning of the article to— 

Did you have imaginary friends when you were very young? I did. He was an adorable brown bear named Bertram. He wore a red bowtie and was my best friend in the whole world.

F. hint at the controlling idea, which concerns the benefits of imagination

G. introduce the controlling idea, which concerns children's imaginary friends

H. introduce the controlling idea, which concerns the differences between children and adults

J. provide evidence for the controlling idea, which concerns the benefits of imagination

What is F. hint at the controlling idea, which concerns the benefits of imagination


Which best analyzes how the author’s use of language in this sentence contributes to the mood of the selection? 

“I was struggling to figure out how to imitate lightning when it struck me,” she said, laughing.

F. The Wizard's sarcasm expresses hostility, adding to the tense mood.

G. The idea of imitating lightning is funny, adding to the humorous mood.

H. The sentence contains a pun on "struck by lightning" / "struck by an idea," reinforcing a humorous mood.

J.The Wizard's reference to "struggling to figure out" sounds like Thea's struggle to find a way home, reinforcing a sympathetic mood.

What is H. The sentence contains a pun on "struck by lightning" / "struck by an idea," reinforcing a humorous mood.


How does the writer most clearly use classification as the organizational pattern, and how do you know?

Paragraph 5  - Genes carry the code that defines an organism’s basic characteristics. Before McClintock, scientists thought that every gene had its own place in a chromosome. Many genes roughly fit this description. However, McClintock discovered a type of gene that can move within and between chromosomes. These genes are called “jumping” genes. Scientists have since discovered that “jumping” genes may make up nearly half of the genetic material in various organisms, including humans. 

C. paragraph 5; The writer explains what the term "jumping" genes refers to.

D. paragraph 5; The writer divides genes into two categories, genes that stay in place and "jumping" genes.


What is D. paragraph 5; The writer divides genes into two categories, genes that stay in place and "jumping" genes.


Which is the best paraphrase of these sentences?

"Nobody could hope to unravel the lines of his ancestry. In all the wonderfully mixed and varied dog-tribe, I never saw any creature very much like him, though in some of his sly, soft, gliding motions and gestures he brought the fox to mind."

G. Stickeen was a mix of different dog breeds, but it was impossible to tell which ones. I never saw another animal like him, though he reminded me of a fox because of the way he moved.

H. Stickeen might have been a mixed-breed or a purebred, but it was impossible to know for certain. When he socialized with other dogs, he often acted like a fox—smart and quick.

J. Stickeen was a mysterious creature, and it was difficult to figure him out. I never saw another animal like him, though he was probably more similar to a fox than he was to a dog.

What is G. Stickeen was a mix of different dog breeds, but it was impossible to tell which ones. I never saw another animal like him, though he reminded me of a fox because of the way he moved.


The Greek root -phil- helps the reader understand that the word Germanophiles in the following paragraph means those who -  

My parents have told me the story of our voyage to Germany so many times, I know it by heart. My parents are Germanophiles, and when I was four we traveled to Germany to spend a year abroad, taking with us six pieces of luggage and six carry-on bags.

A. love German culture

B. travel to Germany

C. fear German things

D. can speak German

What is A. love German culture


What key idea do these details suggest? 

In 1872, Anthony organized a group of women to test the voting laws. After casting a ballot on November 5, 1872, she was arrested for illegal voting. (paragraph 2)

At the end of the 240-mile march, Gandhi picked up a handful of sea salt, breaking the law. (paragraph 4)

F. Nonviolent protest is a form of criminal activity.

G. Activists in nonviolent protests do not believe in government.

H. Disobeying unfair laws is a common tactic in nonviolent protests.

J. The main aim of nonviolent protest is to obtain the right to vote.

What is H. Disobeying unfair laws is a common tactic in nonviolent protests.


Based on this sentence, the author’s voice could best be described as:

"My soul, conscious of new strength, came out of bondage, and was reaching through those broken symbols of speech to all knowledge and all faith."

F. timid, because she uses words such as "broken"

G. energetic, because she uses short, quick phrases

H. anxious, because her sentence contrasts her goals ("all knowledge and all faith") with her weakness ("bondage" and "broken symbols")

J. confident, because her sentence moves from weakness ("bondage" and "broken symbols") to strength ("all knowledge and all faith")

What is J. confident, because her sentence moves from weakness ("bondage" and "broken symbols") to strength ("all knowledge and all faith")


Which best analyzes the figurative language in this sentence? 

It was discovered later that some “jumping” genes are nature’s original computer hackers, copying an organism’s individual information and sharing it with others.

F. Personification: "It was discovered later"; Purpose: to encourage readers to agree with an idea.

G. Metaphor: "nature's original computer hackers"; Purpose: to help readers understand a concept.

H. Simile: "copying an organism's individual information"; Purpose: to help readers understand a concept.

J. Simile: "sharing it with others"; Purpose: to encourage readers to agree with an idea


What is G. Metaphor: "nature's original computer hackers"; Purpose: to help readers understand a concept.


Which message is most clearly implied by the details in paragraph 7?

Paragraph 7  - McClintock’s discoveries did not fit with what scientists knew at the time. For years, the scientific community mostly ignored her findings. They chose not to benefit from her research, and she stopped publishing it. However, by the 1970s, science had caught up with her. Studies had proved Barbara McClintock’s discoveries about genes to be true. She received honors and awards. In 1983, she won the world-famous Nobel Prize for the category of “Physiology or Medicine.” She was the sole winner for that category in 1983.

B. Scientists always reject an idea at first, even if they eventually accept it.

C. A good idea will eventually be accepted, even if people reject it at first.

D. If people reject a scientist's idea, it is best if the scientist stops writing about it.

What is C. A good idea will eventually be accepted, even if people reject it at first.


Read the thesaurus entry for the word cavernous.

• gaping (“opened wide”; suggests something missing or out of place)
• roomy (“able to comfortably fit many things or people”; suggests comfort)
• vast (“impressively wide or large”; suggests awe)
• spacious (“able to easily fit many things or people”; suggests luxury)

Which synonym most closely matches the way the word cavernous is used below?

"The guard quickly took them to the great Throne Room and then left. As they entered the cavernous room, they found no one there. Then, a ferocious voice came from behind a large purple curtain and angrily demanded they leave."

What is vast.


Based on these sentences, what can you infer about the gate agent’s action?

“I showed them pictures of Baxter snuggling with Mia and Fluffy on the bean bag chair at home. I guess that helped a little, because it was around then that the gate agent said they were willing to try flying Baxter with the cats.” 

A. The gate agent's love of animals and fascination with the father's photos makes the agent forget the dangers of boarding Baxter.

B. The gate agent's mistrust of the narrator's father is eased after seeing proof that the father is an animal lover.

C. The gate agent's concern that Baxter will cause problems with the cats is eased after seeing proof that Baxter is able to get along with cats.

What is C. The gate agent's concern that Baxter will cause problems with the cats is eased after seeing proof that Baxter is able to get along with cats.


Which is the best analysis of the language in the first stanza in Selection 1 and its contribution to mood? 

The crew was complete: it included a Boots
A maker of Bonnets and Hoods—
A Barrister, brought to arrange their disputes—
And a Broker, to value their goods.

 F. The use of alliteration contributes to the silly mood.

G. The use of rhyme contributes to the thoughtful mood.

H. The use of consonance contributes to the dreamy mood.

J. The use of repetition contributes to the mood of seriousness.

What is F. The use of alliteration contributes to the silly mood.


Which best explains the use of literary devices in the following paragraph?

“Not exactly sure I did anything,” said my dad. “We just got to chatting about dogs, cats, and how we love cats and dogs both. I showed them pictures of Baxter snuggling with Mia and Fluffy on the bean bag chair at home. I guess that helped a little, because it was around then that the gate agent said they were willing to try flying Baxter with the cats.”

A.The dad's description of the pets causes readers to feel pity.

B. The dad's description of the pets creates a mood of homesickness.

C. The dad's dialogue moves the plot along by revealing that a key problem has been solved.

D. The dad's dialogue moves the plot along by explaining more about the family.

What is C. The dad's dialogue moves the plot along by revealing that a key problem has been solved.


How does each detail most clearly support the controlling idea or theme of the passage in which it appears? 

Selection 1 - Washington called his army a “mixed” group of people “under very little discipline, order, or government.”

Selection 2 - Strange that despite all of the terrible losses thus far, he has yet to give up.

G. Selection 1 Detail: provides evidence that Washington was a great general
Selection 2 Detail: combines with other details to convey a theme about freedom

H.Selection 1 Detail: provides evidence that one of Washington's important tasks was to impose discipline on the army
Selection 2 Detail: combines with other details to convey a theme about commitment and loyalty

What is H.Selection 1 Detail: provides evidence that one of Washington's important tasks was to impose discipline on the army
Selection 2 Detail: combines with other details to convey a theme about commitment and loyalty
