Fill in the Blanks
Object Pronouns
Likes and Dislikes

Mi hermano va a la escuela todos los dias.

My brother goes to school every day.


________ they eating Mexican food?

Are they eating Mexican food?


Gregory ( bakes     baked ) an apple pie this morning.

Gregory ( baked ) an apple pie this morning.


Mention the object pronouns of: 

I ------





You -----


 Object pronouns 

I ------me





You -----you




She _______________ listen to country music. 

She likes to listen to country music.

A Robert realmente le gusta cocinar comida Italina todos los dias. 

Robert really likes to cook Italian food every day.


I _________ do my homework yesterday because I ________very busy. 

I didn't do my homework yesterday because I was very busy.


Alan _______________ dinner for his family last night, and _________________ dinner for them again.

Alan cooked dinner for his family last night, and 

he is going to cook dinner for them again.


Object pronouns are those pronouns that receive the ______________ in a sentence. 

Object pronouns are those pronouns that receive the action in a sentence.


We _______________________ to the movie theater because we fall asleep. It is boring.

We don't like to go to the movie theater because we fall asleep. It is boring.


Mario le presto su carro a Daniel la semana pasada. 

Mario lent Daniel his car last week. 


What ______ Sally like to do on the weekend? 

She ___________ go to the beach.

What DOES Sally like to do on the weekend? 

She LIKES TO go to the beach.


Complete the following question and answer:

 I forget, what ______you send your boyfriend for his last birthday?

I _______   _______  a jacket.

Complete the following question and answer:

 I forget, what did you send your boyfriend for his last birthday?

I sent him a jacket.


Replace the subject for the subject pronoun and the indirect object for the object pronoun. 

Your father bought  you and your sister a beautiful dog for your birthday. 



HE  bought YOU a friendly dog for your  birthday.    



Complete the question:

_______ you ____________ the party?


DID you LIKE the party?


Ana no va a ir a esquiar este invierno porque ella fue a esquiar el invierno pasado y a ella no le gusta ir a esquiar muy frecuente. 

Ana is not going to go skiing this winter because she went skiing last winter, and she does not like to go skiing very often.  


Steven ___________ his friends letters every week.

He ________ his friends letters last week.

He is _______________his friends letters next week.

Steven WRITES his friends letters every week.

He WROTE his friends letters last week.

He is GOING TO WRITE his friends letters next week.

 letters to his friends last week.

______________________ letters to his friends next week.

  letters to his friends last week.

______________________ letters to his friends next week.


Brian likes to _________ sailing.

____________ sailing every day.

____________ sailing yesterday.

_____________________ sailing tomorrow.

Brian likes to GO sailing.

HE GOES sailing every day.

HE WENT sailing yesterday.

HE IS GOING TO GO sailing tomorrow.


Unscramble the words to make a correct sentence.

to listen/ he/ her/ didn’t / to / want


He didn't want to listen to her. 


Fill in the blanks:

My children ______________ cook spaghetti, but they 

___________________________ it very often.  


My children  LIKE TO  cook spaghetti, but they 

DON'T LIKE TO COOK it very often.  


Que le vas a dar a tu amigo por su cumpleanos?

Yo no se. Yo no le puedo dar un reloj. Yo le di un reloj el aino pasado. 

Que tal un maletin? 

No. Yo no le puedo dar un maletin. Yo le di un maletin hace dos ainos. 

Entonces, que le vas a dar?

Yo no se. Realmente tengo que pensar en eso. 

What are you going to give your friend for his birthday?

I don't know. I can't give him a watch. I gave him a watch last year. 

How about a briefcase?

No. I can't give him a briefcase. I gave him a briefcase two years ago.

Well, what are you going to give him?

I don't know. I really have to think about it.


Ivan likes to read the newspaper all the time. 

He ________________ the newspaper right now. He _______________ the newspaper every day, and he ____________________tomorrow. 

As you can see, he really ___________ read the newspaper all the time.  

Ivan likes to read the newspaper all the time. 

He is reading the newspaper right now. He reads the newspaper every day, and he is going to read the newspaper tomorrow. 

As you can see, he really likes to read the newspaper all the time.  


On Richard's 16th birthday, he didn't (have) _______ a party. He (go) ______dancing with his girlfriend, and he (have)_______ a wonderful time. His girlfriend didn't (give)_______ him presents and his parents didn't (cook) ________. But Richard wasn't upset because he (dance) ________ with his girlfriend all  night.

On Richard's 16th birthday, he didn't (have) a party. He (went )dancing with his girlfriend, and he (had)a wonderful time. His girlfriend didn't (give) him presents and his parents didn't (cook). But Richard wasn't upset because he (danced) with his girlfriend all  night.


Omar did not give his son a cat because he gave him a cat last year.

what is the subject of the sentence?

what is the indirect object and the direct object? 

What tense is the sentence structured?

Omar did not give his son a cat because he gave him a cat last year.

what is the subject of the sentence? (Omar)

what is the indirect object and the direct object? 

(his son/ him) is the indirect object

(a cat) is the direct object

What tense is the sentence structured?

(simple past tense)


Complete the paragraph:

My children _________ scary movies. They ______________ watch them together all the time. But, I don't watch scary movies with them because I _______________ scary movies. I ____________  comedy movies. I _________________ watch them during the weekend when I have free time. Even though we _________________ the same kind of movies, we _______________ be together as a family.


My children LIKE scary movies. They LIKE TO watch them together all the time. But, I don't watch scary movies with them because I DON"T LIKE scary movies. I LIKE  comedy movies. I LIKE TO watch them during the weekend when I have free time. Even though we DON'T LIKE the same kind of movies, we LIKE TO be together as a family. 
