How many Target Standards will we be working toward learning in this class?
Five (5)
Students will strive to fulfill the school-wide Franklin STRONG matrix by...
All assignments will be graded on a ___-point scale.
Four (4)
A student is considered "absent" if...
They have missed 25% or more of the class period.
M-208 (Periods 1 and 2)
M-206 (Period 3)
What are the prerequisites for ELD 4? (What classes and/or tests do you need to take before taking this class?)
Emerging 2 (class)
ELPA21 Screener Score
ELPA21 Assessment Score
Cell phones (and other tech) needs to be turned off and put away during class UNLESS...
we are specifically using them for in-class learning or collaboration. (And I have given you permission to use your phones verbally and visually.)
What does it mean to be "Highly Proficient"?
"Demonstrates understanding about proficiency standards."
A student is considered "tardy" if...
they are not present at the start of class or arrive prior to the completion of 25% of the class.
What is the full title of my class?
English Language Development - Progressing 4
ELD for short :)
"Using ____________ language, students will engage in writing, planning presenations, and conductings reserach."
Academic language
Students are allowed to eat and drink in this classroom?
However, please clean up after yourself.
I am allowed to redo assignments.
However, some assignments, like groupwork, can't be made up.
My name is...(your teacher)
Ms. Smith :)
What is the curriculum called that we will be using in this class?
EDGE (and hopefully Newsela Pro too!)
When I need to use the restroom, I must...
* Ask permission to leave (this is a safety issue)
* Wear the bathroom pass (part of safety)
If I am missing an assignment I need to...
Talk to my teacher!
I can make up work for unexcused absences?
Free: One thing I am looking forward to in this class is...
The name of one Level B or C Unit that we may explore this year is...
See list on syllabus
What does the syllabus state about the classroom being an oppression-free environment?
"My classroom is a safe space for students regardless of race, gender, social class, ability status, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, indigenous heritage, or national origin. While the classroom IS a place to discuss and learn about these areas of identity, it is NOT a place to contribute to oppression in any form.
I have a huge amount of say and control over my class grade.
Yes! You are allowed to redo assignments until you show you understand. Don't give up--You've got this!
It is important I arrive to class on......