The prefix "un-" means...
What is - not, or reverse
If you were to add the suffix -ful to the word beauty, what letter would you have to change and what would it become?
What is - y to i
beauty + ful = beautiful
Which of these following words is synonyms with "sneaky": stealthy, abundant, variety
What is - stealthy
Decode the word unfaithful into its prefix, root, and suffix.
What is - un (prefix), faith (root), and ful (suffix)
"If...then..." is the indicator for this ELD concept
What is - cause and effect
What does the prefix "post-" mean?
What is - after
The words happiness, kindness, and usefulness all have this suffix in common
What is - "-ness"
What is - dangerous because of unpredictable conditions
Decode the word miscalculation into its prefix, root, and suffix.
What is - mis (prefix), calculate (root), tion (suffix)
What does the acronym R.A.C.E. stand for?
What is - Restate, Answer, Cite, Explain
Name two prefixes that both mean "not"
What are -
il-, im-, in-, ir-
This suffix, added to the word cloud, makes it an adjective
What is - "-y"
The meaning of the word "surface"
What is - Come to the top or to come above
- The outer layer of a thing
Decode the word illogical into its prefix, root, and suffix.
What is - il (prefix), logic (root), al (suffix)
The words "Next, Then, First, Last" all signify this ELD concept
What is - sequencing
The prefix "trans-" means
What is - across
For example, transatlantic means across the Atlantic ocean
If you were adding the suffix "ion" to the word "omit" what would the t in omit change to?
Hint: this also applies to the t in permit
What is - t changes to ss
omit + ion = omission
permit + ion = permission
This is the meaning of the word "commotion"
What is - a disorderly outburst or disruption
Decode the word indistinguishable into its prefix, root, and suffix.
What is - in (prefix), distinguish (root), able (suffix)
What are - quotation marks, a source
What is - extra
For example, extraordinary means beyond belief. And extraterrestrial means beyond earth.
This is what the suffix "-ism" designates.
Hint: capitalism
What is - a philosophy
Other examples: socialism, Marxism, altruism
This word is defined as "the perimeter of a circle"
Decode the word non-biodegradable into its prefix, root, and suffix.
What is - non (prefix), biodegrade (root), able (suffix)
Name four concepts that we focus on in ELD
What are - cause and effect, sequencing, description, compare/contrast, concept development, categorize