This book, bound in yellow, contains verbal brain-teasers.
What is the Yellow Book of Riddles?
This Daedric prince invaded Cyrodiil during the Oblivion crisis.
Who is Mehrunes Dagon?
This mortal established the Empire and rose to godhood.
Who is Tiber Septim or Talos
This legal guild of assassins operates exclusively in the country of Morrowind.
Who are the Morag Tong?
This island was first visited in the Bloodmoon expansion to Morrowind, and later revisited by the Last Dragonborn to defeat Miraak.
Where is Solstheim?
These books, artifacts of Hermaeus Mora, are taken by the Last Dragonborn and act as portals to Hermaeus Mora's plain of Oblivion, Apocrypha.
What are the Black Books?
This Daedric prince's return signals the beginning of the Greymarch.
Who is Jyggalag?
This leader of warriors came from Atmora with his companions to Skyrim and genocided elves.
Who is Ysgramor?
This gray cowl denotes the leader of the Thieve's Guild in the Third Era, and transforms whoever wears it into the Gray Fox.
What is the Gray Cowl of Nocturnal?
In Elder Scrolls: Arena, you can visit every province of this continent.
What is Tamriel?
This book is Mehrunes Dagon's artifact, granted to Mankar Camoran.
What is the Mysterium Xarxes?
Who is the patron Daedra of thieves?
Who is Nocturnal?
This ancient order of dragon slayers swore loyalty to Tiber Septim, and are sworn to the service of those with the dragon blood.
Who are the Blades?
This Cyrodiilic institute of mages help the Last Dragonborn locate the Staff of Magnus, by using ancient Dwemer machinery.
Who are the Synod?
This ancient temple sits in the hold of Markarth and contains the ancient carving known as "Alduin's Wall".
Where is Sky Haven Temple?
The author of "The Lusty Argonian Maid", who can be found on Vvardenfell during the Third Era.
Who is Crassius Curio?
This Daedric prince is the "King of Rape", and is the patron of vampires. His plain of Oblivion is known as "Coldharbour".
Who is Molag Bal?
The heart of this god was taken by Trinimac and shot into the oceans of Nirn, eventually becoming the Red Mountain.
Who is Shor, Lorkhan, Sep, Lorkhaj, or Shezarr?
This organization is dedicated to the hunting and killing of werebeasts, undead, vampires, and Daedra wherever they find them.
Who are the Vigilants of Stendarr?
This is the ancient homeland of the Altmer, and the current seat of the Aldmeri Dominion.
Where are the Summerset Isles?
The Bible of the Deep, found in Cyrodiil's town of Hackdirt, when translated from Daedric, is actually an excerpt from this Sload text.
What is "N'gasta! Kvata! Kvakis!"?
These three Daedric princes are worshipped by the Dunmer as "Good Daedra".
Who are Azura, Mephala, and Boethia?
Sithis is the birthed soul incarnate of this primordial force.
Who is Padomay?
Pelinal Whitestrake, or "The Divine Crusader" is the leader of these knights who worship the nine divines.
Who are the Knights of the Nine?
This plain of Oblivion is owned by Nocturnal, and is always in a state of perpetual twilight.
What is the Evergloam?