Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United States after winning this presidential election year which year was that?
What is 2016
(Rai, Rina)
Who was the first
who is Georg washington
(David, Viola)
This person's slogan 'Make America Great Again' was one of the most recognizable slogans in modern American politics."
Who is Donald Trump
(Rai, Rina)
how many kids does donald trump have?
What is 4 kids
(Adam, Frederik)
Is trump republican or democrat?
What is Republican
(Vigga, Storm
what did trump work as before president?
what is real estate. Starting in 1968, Trump was employed at his father's real estate company, Trump Management
(Rai, Rina)
where was the ceremony held in 2025?
what is the capitol arena
(Adam, Frederik)
What number president is Donald Trump?
What is 45th president
what is Trumps biggest lie?
what is he said that if you drink disinfectants it cleans you from corona and some did it and died.