Political Parties
Voting Process
Campaign Issues
Key States

This political party traditionally supports smaller government, lower taxes, and conservative social policies.

What is the Republican Party?


This is the deadline by which a U.S. citizen must be at least 18 years old to vote in the 2024 election.

What is Election Day (November 5, 2024)?


This economic issue involving high consumer prices has been a major concern in the 2024 election.

What is inflation?


This swing state, known for cities like Miami and Orlando, has played a pivotal role in recent elections and will be key in 2024.

What is Florida?


This former reality TV star and real estate mogul served as the 45th president of the United States and is running again in 2024.

Who is Donald Trump?


This political party is often associated with progressive policies, expanded government programs, and social equality.

What is the Democratic Party?


This type of voting allows citizens to cast their ballots before Election Day, either in person or by mail.

What is early voting?


The debate over this issue, involving a woman’s right to choose, intensified after the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade in 2022.

What is abortion?


Known for being the first state to hold a caucus during the primaries, this state helps set the tone for presidential elections.

What is Iowa?


This Democratic U.S. Senator from California was chosen as Joe Biden’s running mate in 2020 and is the first female vice president in U.S. history.

Who is Kamala Harris?


This party is known for its environmental focus and typically runs candidates advocating for green energy and sustainability.

What is the Green Party?


This body of 538 electors is responsible for the official election of the U.S. president.

What is the Electoral College?


Concerns over this international conflict between Russia and Ukraine have been a key topic in the 2024 foreign policy debates.

What is the Russia-Ukraine War?


This southwestern state, with a large Latino population, is another critical battleground in the 2024 election.

What is Arizona?


This former Governor of Florida is the brother of a former U.S. president and ran for the Republican nomination in 2016.

Who is Jeb Bush?


This third-party option, often supporting limited government and personal freedom, typically runs candidates advocating for lower government intervention.

What is the Libertarian Party?


This amendment to the U.S. Constitution gave women the right to vote in 1920.

What is the 19th Amendment?


This hot-button issue regarding the security and control of the southern U.S. border has been central to the 2024 immigration policy debate.

What is border security?


This Midwestern state, the site of a crucial Senate race in 2022, is once again a key battleground in the 2024 election.

What is Pennsylvania?


This former mayor of New York City switched from the Republican to the Democratic Party and ran for president in 2020, focusing heavily on climate change.

Who is Michael Bloomberg?


Founded by Ross Perot in the 1990s, this third-party challenged the two-party system and advocated for economic reform.

What is the Reform Party?


A U.S. citizen convicted of this type of crime may lose their right to vote in some states.

What is a felony?


This topic, dealing with human-caused climate shifts and its effect on the environment, remains highly debated in the 2024 election.

What is climate change?


With a history of flipping between Democrats and Republicans, this southeastern state was critical in deciding the 2020 election outcome and remains in focus for 2024.

What is Georgia?


This U.S. Senator from Texas is known for his conservative stance, his role in challenging the 2020 election results, and his 2016 presidential run.

Who is Ted Cruz?
