Within America, the two party system includes these political parties...
What is the Republican Party & Democratic Party?
The purpose for voters evaluating information presented in political campaigns, specifically released by the media.
What is to make reasoned choices among the candidates?
The oldest political party within the United States of America.
Who is the Democratic party?
Reasons why citizens of the U.S. do not vote within elections.
What is a LACK of interest?
What is a Failure to REGISTER?
The primary function of political parties. (hint: one specifically out of the four functions)
What is helping candidates win?
The difference between using propaganda and bias within media.
What is Showing favoritism towards a particular person or point of view? (Bias
What is ideas used to influence the way people think or behave?
The first two people to represent minorities within the Executive Branch.
Who is Barack Obama (P) and Kamala Harris (VP)?
The four qualifications to register to vote within U.S. elections.
What is...
A. CITIZEN of the United States?
B. RESIDENT of Virginia?
C. RESIDENT of Precinct?
D. at least 18 years of age by day of election?
Differences between the two political parties is found within..
What is stated in the party’s platform & reflected in their campaign?
What is...
1. Separating fact from OPINION?
2. Detecting BIAS?
3. Evaluating SOURCES?
4. Identifying PROPAGANDA?
The total # of elected republican presidents and democratic presidents.
What is 19 (R) candidates and 21 (D) candidates?
In the event of a electoral college tie, this group elects the president of the U.S..
Places where you can view a political parties platform.
What is within the political party website or within political pamphlets by mail/delivered?
The media plays a major role in elections and will release the following topics/sources to the general public. (hint: six answers)
What are....
Identifying CANDIDATES?
Emphasizing selected ISSUES?
Creating POLITICAL cartoons?
Publishing op-ed PIECES?
Broadcasting DIFFERENT points of view?
The youngest man to be elected as President of the U.S. at age 43.
Who is JFK?
Keeping political parties and Political Action Committees (PACs) in check, the following legislation has been passed to maintain integrity within elections.
Rising campaign costs have led to campaign FINANCE REFORM
Limits have been placed on the amount individuals may contribute to political candidates and CAMPAIGNS.
What is...
INTRODUCE new ideas?
PRESS for a particular issue?
REVOLVE around political personality?
Name all the types of propaganda that is used within elections.
Name the Vice Presidents who succeeded the elected presidents during the term.
Who is T. Roosevelt, Tyler, Filmore, Johnson, Arthur, Coolidge, Truman, L. Johnson, & Ford?
Mathematically state how many Electoral College votes each state has and the total # needed to win elections.
What is # of Electoral Votes= Senators + Reps of that state AND 270 to win?