Political Parties
Running for President
Electoral Votes
General Trivia


What is the number of votes it takes to win the Electoral College?


What is the name of the political party former President Trump belongs to?

What is the Republican Party?


What group in the federal government is in charge of regulating elections, including limiting how much certain people/groups can donate.

What is the Federal Election Commission (FEC)?


The number of electoral votes needed to win the election

What is 270?


Most states are winner take all when it comes to electoral votes, but these 2 states allow candidates to split electoral votes

What are Maine and Nebraska?


What branch of the federal government opens and counts the sealed electoral college votes

What is Congress or the Legislative Branch?


Name the political party Vice President Harris belongs to.

What is the Democratic Party?


Before a candidate receives a party's nomination they must first win this election

What is the primary election?

Primary elections are in all 50 states.


This state has the most electoral votes of all the states

What is California?


This president has a memorial dedicated to him for saving the Union. He was also the first Republican in the oval office.

Who is Abraham Lincoln?


When you add the number of Senators and Representatives your state has it is equal to the number of _________________ votes your state gets in the presidential election.

What is "electoral"? ("Electors" can also be an answer)


Name one of the independent political parties that exist in the United States

What is the Green Party? (Constitution, Libertarian, Communist, Tea, etc...)


When running for president a candidate may tour the country and give speeches, participate in debates, and run ads on TV and radio. This process is called________

What is campaigning?


The state of Vermont has this number of electoral votes

What is 3?


Two reasons the Framers (or creators of the Constitution) created the Electoral College.  Bonus if you can name two!

What is  •Compromise between big and small states •Protection against direct election by uninformed citizens

•Did not trust people, Congress, or state legislatures

•Reinforced federalism and gave states a role in the presidential election-

- They were hot and tired (the meeting was held in Philadelphia in August:) and this was literally one of the last things they needed to finish before going home!


Which house of Congress determines the presidency if no candidate gets the required number of votes?

What is the House of Representatives?

(House chooses from the three candidates with the highest vote counts)


The method by which electors are chosen

What is by each of the political parties?

Most states have the political parties determine their "slate" or group of electors.


The largest of donors to a presidential campaign may be called this

What are Big Donors?

mega donors, contributors are also other terms used


The method used to determine who wins the electoral votes in all but 2 states.

What is a winner-take-all system?

Other answers can count if the intent is to explain that the candidate with the most "popular" votes in a state wins all the electoral votes


Name 2 candidates won their presidential elections despite losing the popular vote

Who are John Quincy Adams, or Rutherford B. Hayes or Benjamin Harrison or George W. Bush and/or Donald Trump?


Which house of Congress determines the vice presidency if no candidate gets the required number of electoral votes?

What is the Senate?

Senate chooses from the two candidates with the highest number of electoral votes.


The elephant is the symbol of this political party

What is the Republican Party?


An organization that is formed by an individual or special interest group to raise money for political campaigns.

What is a Political Action Committee?


Electors who do not vote as they have pledged to vote are called...

What are faithless electors?

These states actually have laws that punish faithless electors: Indiana, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, and Washington

Supreme Court ruled 9-0 in 2020 that states can actually punish faithless electors.


The presidential candidate had the most electoral votes in history

Who is Ronald Reagan?

525 of 538 (he only lost Minnesota)
