Why should beauty professionals study and have thorough understanding of electricity?
Beauty professionals rely on a variety of electrical appliances
(Plugged in) rapid and interrupted current flowing first in one direction and then in the opposite. Produced by mechanical means.
Alternating Current (AC)
Completes and electric circuit and carries the circuit safely away.
what is grounding
Refers to the piles of electric current either positive or negative.
What percentage of sunlight is visible
What metal is a good conductor and mostly used in electric wiring and electric motors?
Unit that measures the pressure or force that pushes electric current forward thru a conductor
What is volt .
Third circular electric connection. Designed to guarantee a safe path for electricity and protect the user from electrical shock if wire becomes too loose.
grouding pin
Constant and direct current having a positive and negative pole
Galvanic current
Uv light, known as cold light or actinic light. Has short wavelengths
ultraviolet light
Which type of water is a good and poor conductor
Pure water- poor conductor
Ordinary water like tap, lake or river, is a good conductor
Unit that measures how much electric energy is being used in ONE second
what is watt
What should you do in an electrical emergency
- stop using the appliance
- unplug it
- replace the appliance
- if similar instances happen replace or discontinue the use of that outlet
What color does fluorescent light give off
Cooler green/ blue than natural sunlight
What does uv light do for the skin
Prompts the skin to produce vitamin D
An insulator, like rubber , silk, wood, glass and cement. None transmit electricity
What happens when a wire that is not large enough to carry electrical current try's passing the current
What is The current passing through will overheat the wire or device connected
Electrical currents to treat the skin.
Electro therapy
Why w would your clients had look different in Florescent light
It will appear green or blue when viewed in florescent light
Also known as phototherapy; the application of light rays to the skin for the treatment of wrinkles, capillaries, pigmentation, or hair removal.
light therapy
(Wireless) constant even flowing current that travels one direction only and produced by chemical means
Direct current
Switch that automatically interrupts or shuts off an electric circuit at the first indication of an overload. They have the safety features of fuses but don't need replaced.
What is Circuit breaker
Currents used in electrical facial and scalp treatments
How does energy move
It moves through space in waves
What frequency does long or short wavelengths
Long wavelengths have low frequency
Short wavelengths have higher frequency