This is a term for materials that do not allow electricity to flow through them easily.
What is insulator
An OLD set of Christmas lights were wired in this type of circuit.
What is series circuit.
What type of energy comes from the sun?
What is radiant OR thermal energy.
Name 1 way you can conserve electricity at home.
Answers will vary
What good metal conductor is typically used to wire your house or the school?
What is copper
The lights in your house are wired in this type of circuit.
What is a parallel circuit.
What type of energy does the wind provide?
What is kinetic energy - it is a moving source of energy.
Name 1 way you can conserve electricity at school.
Answers will vary.
Name 3 insulators
What is rubber, glass, plastic, ceramic
(answers will vary)
Name the 3 parts of a circuit.
Load, conductor and power source
You plug in your toaster...what energy transfer is taking place?
What is electrical energy to thermal energy.
Name 2 primary sources that electricity is generated (e.g. the sun)
What is the sun, wind, water, mining coal
Why can you not go swimming in a thunderstorm?
What is water is a great conductor and the electricity travels along the water and you can be injured.
You are driving down the highway and you notice a car has a one burnt out headlight. What type of circuit is this?
What is a parallel circuit.
You plug your lamp into the outlet. What type of energy transfer is this?
What is electrical energy to light energy.
Name 3 ways you can use electricity responsibly?
answers will vary.
What is the best conductor?
What is silver
You notice that when the battery in your flashlight runs out, the flashlight stops working all together. What type of circuit is a flashlight?
What is a series circuit.
Describe the 3 energy transfers that take place to get electricity to your house.
What is wind --> mechanical --> electrical
answers may vary
How do you think wasting electricity would harm our environment?
answers will vary