Parts of an atom
Nucleus, electron, neutron, proton
What are the 2 types of electricity
Static and Current
What are Volts
The amount of pressure being created from the source of electricity
What is energy
Energy is the power to do work, make change or move objects
Name 3 Conductors
Metal, Water, Gold
What is electricity
Electricity is a form energy that comes from small particles called atoms moving around
Definition of static electricity
It is caused by the buildup of negative charges in one place and positive in another place. When the attraction between the positive and negative charges become strong enough the particles quickly stream back together
What are Ohms
The resistance which is directly related to the width of diameter of the line that the electricity is travelling through
Types of energy
Wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, biomass, fossil fuels
Name 5 Insulators
Rubber, Glass, Cotton, Plastic, Wood
What is a negatively charged atom
Negatively charged atoms are atoms that have mostly neutrons
What is current electricity
Current electricity is when electrons move along a line usually a wire or conductor for the purpose of powering a device
What are Amps
The amount of electricity flowing through a line at any given position
Definition of the types of energy
Wind-created from the wind
Solar-created from the sun
Hydro-created from water
Geothermal-created from the Earths core
Biomass- Scraps of material that were once living
Components of a simple circuit
A power source, a conductor that carries electrical current and a device that requires electricity to function
What is a positively charged atom
Positively charged atoms are atoms that have mostly protons
What are AC and DC currents
AC: In an AC circuit the electrons move back and forth switching directions at a very fast pace
DC: In a DC circuit the electrons travel in one direction from the negative terminal to the positive terminal
What are Watts
The overall amount of power in a circuit
Types of Fossil Fuels
Coal, natural gas, oil
Series circuit
A series circuit is when the path of electricity has only one possible way of passing through the circuit
What do atoms have to do with electricity
Adams that have too many electrons will want to get rid of them and atoms that have too few electrons will want to receive them. When one atom transfers electrons to another atom the flow of electrons is what creates energy
Examples of static and current electricity
Examples for static include lightning and when you rub a balloon on your hair
Examples for current include a toaster, computer, flashlight, stove and lamp
How can Ohms relate to a hose
It measures the resistance that is equivalent to the diameter of the hose and the degree to which the tap has been opened
How is energy transferred
Energy is converted into other forms of itself and passed along for example from the sun to plants to animals to humans
Parallel circuit
Parallel circuit is when the path of electricity has more than one possible way of passing through the circuit