What is needed to move an object?
A closed loop of electrical components that allows electric current to flow.
If Mr. Coyle holds a magnet together with two South poles touching, what will happen to them when he lets go?
They will repel (push away from one another)
If two magnets stick together, they are attracted to one another.
False, they are repelled by each other.
What was the name of the bugs we observed at the start of the year?
Milkweed bugs
What is the force that resists motion when two objects are touching? Ex: Trying to push a table that is on the floor.
Draw an incomplete circuit on the whiteboard. Make sure to include a battery, lightbulb, and switch.
A circuit that is not completely connected.
What is one kind of metal that is magnetic?
Iron, nickel, cobalt, steel
A motor is made from the same parts as a generator (at least in this class).
What is the name of Mr. Coyle's cat?
If Mr. Coyle pushes against the wall with all of his might (about 1 Newton) and the wall doesn't move, how much force is pushing back against Mr. Coyle?
1 Newton
In a circuit, one lightbulb has gone out, but the rest remain on. What kind of circuit is this?
A parallel circuit
What is the term for when a magnetic material becomes a temporary magnet?
Induced magnetism
In a motor, kinetic energy is used to generate electricity. The electricity travels into the motor, creating temporary magnets that interact with the permanent magnets, rotating the shaft to make something move.
False. With a motor, chemical energy from a battery is used to generate electricity.
Jimmy pulls with 50 N to the left. Sarah pulls with 425 N to the right. Frank pulls with 300 N to the left. What is the Net Force and in what direction is it being pulled?
75 N to the right.
What two components are needed to create electricity?
A coil and a permanent magnet
An area of magnetic force around a magnet
Magnetic field
Magnetic fields can pass through all objects.
How fast does electricity travel?
The speed of light
The ice and water increase the speed of play in a hockey game because it (increases/decreases) the friction between what two objects?
Decreases friction. The ice skates and the floor.
What type of energy is in a battery?
Stored chemical energy
Mr. Coyle used a permanent magnet to create a paper clip chain that was 10 paperclips long. Explain why this happens.
The permanent magnet induces magnetism in a paperclip, causing it to become a temporary magnet. The paperclip then induces magnetism in the next paperclip, and the process repeats.
If Mr. Coyle rolls a bowling ball on the classroom floor, it will keep going forever because of the kinetic energy.
False. The kinetic energy will decrease due to forces like friction and air resistance.
What particle do balloons take in order to stick to your hair or the wall?