How many books are in the New Testament?
Who did Mathew write to?
Diverse population, Jews & Gentiles
How many parables are there?
Did Mary have another child besides Jesus?
Yes, James Joses, Judas, Simon
Who's daughter did Jesus raise from the dead?
In what city was Jesus born?
When was the Gospel of Mark complete?
Between 65 AD - 70 AD
What was the first parable Jesus taught?
“The parable of the sower”
Where did Mary give birth to Jesus?
Bethlehem in a Manger.
Who's mother in law did Jesus heal?
Name the first two apostles to follow Jesus.
Peter & Andrew
What is the message Luke gives about the kingdom of God?
He is spreading the idea that the Kingdom of God is for all people.
In the parable of the Good Samaritan, who was the first man to pass by the wounded man?
Why does Mary wear Blue?
Represents the purity of her as a virgin & labels her as an empress in the Byzantine Empire
What was the name of the man that was set free instead of Jesus.
What was Jesus' profession before he started his ministry?
A carpenter
How is Johns Gospel structured?
Its divided into the book of signs, and the book of glory.
Two men went up to the temple to pray, a pharisee and who else?
Tax Collector
What did Mary do when Jesus was crucified?
She cried at the foot of the cross where Jesus was put up.
What was the final words of Jesus?
"It is finished"
Who is considered the 13th apostle to replace Judas Iscariot?
According to Mark, what does a true disciple of Jesus do?
A true disciple of Jesus has to be committed and faithful and must imitate all that Jesus does.
In the parable about a fig tree, when you see the tree putting forth leaves, what is near ?
What is Mary's transformation in the 12th century?
She transformed from a Imperial (Royalty) figure to a motherly figure.
Who was the first person to see Jesus after his resurrection?
Mary Magdalene