This character is green and sometimes angry. It lives in the swamp and it likes eating frogs. It has got one best friend which is an animal.
Fill in the missing word:
I ___ at home yesterday.
How many countries are there in Great Britain?
a. 4
b. 5
c. 3
4 (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland)
Name 3 animals that are black and white
Penguin, zebra, Dalmatian
Structure of past simple and past continuous
Subject + was/were +V3
Subject +was/were+Ving
This teddy bear gets stuck in tree holes looking for honey for his tummy.
Find an odd word:
What is the capital of the USA?
Washington DC
Name 3 items we can buy at the butcher's
Meat, ham, sausages
Name one proverb
Money is honey
I am a Super Hero who spins webs to catch criminals
Choose the best variant:
We've got __ (any/no/some) milk in the fridge. Go and buy __ (little/few/some).
no, some
Which is NOT a part of the traditional English breakfast?
mushrooms, beans, butter, eggs, bacon, toast
Name 3 vegetables that start with "c"
cabbage, carrot, celery
Name 3 modal verbs
Can, must , should
This girl loves black. She has 2 braids and dark make-up. She likes to dance with the hand.
Fill in make/do/take in the correct form:
1) Sorry! You've ___ a mistake.
2) Shh! I'm trying to ___ a phone call.
3) It's difficult for me to ___ friends.
4) I'll ___ a photo. You look cute.
5) My mom makes me ___ housework every Saturday.
made, make, make, take, do
Decide which words in a pair are American, which are British:
mail - post
biscuit - cookie
trainers - sneakers
sweater - jumper
British: post, biscuit, trainers, jumper; American: mail, cookie, sneakers, sweater
Name 3 jobs that can be done in hospital
doctor, nurse, cleaner
What is the Russian version of the famous cartoon "Frozen"?
Холодное Сердце
This character's catch-phrase was "To infinity and beyond!"
Buzz Lightyear
Put the adjectives in the correct order:
Today I bought (Italian/lovely/denim/red/mini) skirt.
Lovely, red, Italian, denim, mini
How many stars are there on the American flag?
Name 3 products of make-up
lipstick, powder, highlighter
Why do people learn English?
to travel, to learn more about the world, to read books and watch films in English