Describe Color
There are 5 key terms.
What is Hue, Tint, Shade, Intensity, and Value?
What Principle is concerned with size?
What is Proportion and Scale
positive and negative space
Most important Part of a composition.
What is Emphasis
Draw a donut and put an arrow to the positive and negative space
Positive- donut
Negative- hole
A point moving through space
What is Line?
Smoothness and Roughness and Physical or Visual.
What is Texture?
Emphasis or Movement
Implied through the repetition of elements of art in a non-uniform but organized way
what is Rhythm and movement
Draw an organic form
Something natural looking with curves but is not a shape
What is Geometric and Organic?
What is Form?
Tints or shades
gradient dark to light
What is value ?
Color- intense hues
Light-Reflecting off surfaces
When something feels stable or unstable
What is Balance
Draw a sculpture using contrast
2 different things next to each other
What has weight, width, and depth?
What is Volume
the uniform, and regular use of elements of art in a repeating sequence.
What is Repetition
Balance or Proportion and Scale
Places for the eye to rest
What is unity, harmony, variety
Draw something with Rhythm and Movement in a non-uniform way
repeating picture to move eye
Has incredible control over a composition.
Point and Line
An example of this would be metal next to wood.
What is Contrast
Harmony and Variety
Describes how a volume of an artwork exists in the world
What is Positive and Negative Space
Use proportion and scale to draw an object larger than a person
Small object blown up next to person