Red, Yellow, and Blue are all what kind of colors?
Primary Colors
*Primary colors are the foundation for creating other colors. They cannot be created by mixing other colors together
Name this line type
Zig Zag
This element is two- dimensional
This element of art can be bumpy, smooth, sticky, soft, etc.
How many elements of art are there?
What colors are created by mixing two primary colors?
Secondary Colors
What word could describe the thickness of the bottom Wavy line?
Bold, Thick
A sculpture is an example of what element
This element includes the fading of gray from black to white.
Background, foreground, and middle ground refer to which element?
What are Analogous colors?
Colors that are next to each other (neighbors) on the color wheel
A ____ line is slanted.
A shape that is regular and perfect is likely a _______ shape.
This element of art can be real (physical/ACTUALLY there) OR implied (how it appears or looks/illusion)
What is the empty space around an object called?
Negative space or positive space?
Negative space
Certain pairs of colors appear brighter when placed next to each other, such as red and green. These color pairs are called…?
Complementary Colors
A line can show texture by appearing rough or ____.
Smooth/ Soft
_____ shapes are associated with things from the natural world, like plants and animals
This element is what you would use to create shadows or contrast
Perspective is a part of what element of art?
Tertiary colors are a combination of a ______ and _______ colors that are next to each other on the color wheel.
Primary, Secondary
When a line meets itself it becomes a _____.
Form is 3-dimensional shape, meaning it has length, width, and ____.
Would something with real texture create a form or a shape?
____ is a visual perception that occurs when light reflects off an object and enters the eye.
You must have light to see this element.