Basic Elements
Point of View
Stylistic Devices
Plot Line

One of the people or animals in a story.

Los personas o animales en una historia.

What is a character?


A problem between characters.

Un problema entre personajes.

What is Person Against Person?


The angle by which a story is told. The angle depends upon the narrator, or person telling the story.

El ángulo por el cual se cuenta una historia. El ángulo depende del narrador o de la persona que cuenta la historia.

What is Point of View?


The message about life or human nature that is "hidden" in the story that the writer tells.

El mensaje sobre la vida o la naturaleza humana que está "escondido" en la historia que cuenta el escritor.

What is Theme?


Following a plan the action that makes up a story.

Siguiendo un plan la acción que conforma una historia.

What is Plot Line?


The person or force that works against the hero/main character in the story.

La persona que está en contra del héroe/personaje principal de la historia.

What is the Antagonist?


A problem within a character's own mind..

Un problema dentro de la propia mente de un personaje..

What is a Problem Against Self?


One of the characters in the story is telling the story. (I, me)

Uno de los personajes de la historia está contando la historia. (Yo me)

What is First-Person Point of View?


The feeling a piece of literature creates in a reader.

El sentimiento que una pieza de literatura crea en un lector.

What is Mood?


This introduces characters and settings while supplying background and setting the tone.

Esto introduce personajes y escenarios al mismo tiempo que proporciona un trasfondo y establece el tono.

What is Exposition?


The main character in a story, often a good or heroic type.

El personaje principal de una historia.

What is the Protagonist?


A problem between a character and society, school, the Law, or some tradition.

Un problema entre un personaje y la sociedad, la escuela, la Ley o alguna tradición.

What is a Person Against Society?


You are part of the story because you are a character in the story. (you, your)

Eres parte de la historia porque eres un personaje de la historia. (tú, tu)

What is Second-Person Point of View?


The lesson a story teaches.

La lección que enseña una historia.

What is Moral?


This introduces complications (problems) which build suspense and is when the plot "thickens."

Esto introduce complicaciones (problemas) que generan suspenso y es cuando la trama se "engrosa".

What is Rising Action?


The place and time frame in which a story takes place.

El lugar y el tiempo en que se desarrolla una historia.

What is the Setting?


A problem between a character and some element of nature - a blizzard, a hurricane, a mountain climb, etc.

Un problema entre un personaje y algún elemento de la naturaleza: una ventisca, un huracán, la escalada de una montaña, etc.

What is a Person Against Nature?


Third-Person point of view allows the narrator to share the thoughts and feelings of two or more characters. (all, everything)

El punto de vista en tercera persona le permite al narrador compartir los pensamientos y sentimientos de dos o más personajes. (todo, todo)

What is Third-Person Omniscient?


The attitude or feeling that comes across in a piece of literature.

La actitud o sentimiento que surge en una obra literaria.

What is Tone?


This is the turning point of the story and the moment when the suspense reaches its peak which results in a change for the main character. This sometimes occurs at the end of the story, without being followed by the falling action.

Este es el punto de inflexión de la historia y el momento en que el suspenso alcanza su punto máximo que se traduce en un cambio para el personaje principal. Esto ocurre a veces al final de la historia, sin que le siga la acción de caer.

What is the Climax?


The action that makes up the story, following a plan called the plot line.

The action that makes up the story, following a plan called the plot line.

What is the Plot?


A problem or struggle that appears to be well beyond a character's control.

Un problema o lucha que parece estar más allá del control de un personaje.

What is a Person Against Fate (God)?


Third-Person point of view that allows the narrator to share the thoughts and feelings of only one character.

Punto de vista en tercera persona que permite al narrador compartir los pensamientos y sentimientos de un solo personaje.

What is Third-Person Limited Omniscient?


The serious, funny, or satiric attitude or feeling revealed by the characters, word choice, and general writing style in literature.

La actitud o sentimiento serio, divertido o satírico revelado por los personajes, la elección de palabras y el estilo general de escritura en la literatura.

What is Tone?


This occurs after the climax of the story, resolves conflict and ties up loose ends of the story.

Esto ocurre después del clímax de la historia, resuelve el conflicto y ata los cabos sueltos de la historia.

What is the Falling Action/Resolution?
