Types of Characters
Point of View
the main character involved in the central conflict.
What is Protagonist
the highest point of tension in the plot.
What is Climax
narrator or one of characters tells the story using "I."
What is First person
A central meaning in the work which provides a unifying point around which the plot, characters, setting, point of view, symbols, and other elements of a work are organized. It is important not to mistake the theme for the actual subject of the work; the theme refers to the abstract concept that is made concrete through the images, characterization, and action of the text. It is a statement about life or human nature that the author conveys to the reader, i.e., Be careful about what you wish for. . . .
What is Theme
A social or regional variety of a particular language.
What is Dialect
the force or person who works against the main character's attempt to solve the problem; may be another character, society, nature, or force within the protagonist.
What is Antagonist
a problem that confronts the characters in a piece of literature. Internal--character struggles within himself or herself External--character struggles against nature, another person, or society Common conflict types: man or woman against nature--against self--against society--against man or woman--against technology
What is Conflict
a narrator or someone outside the story is telling it using " he, she, or them. "
What is Third person
the author’s attitude toward the subject (serious, sarcastic, objective, compassionate) which readers may infer from the language, imagery, and structure.
What is Tone
a speaker or author’s word choice used for effect; includes connotation of words as well as denotation. (concrete vs. abstract; formal vs. informal or colloquial)
What is Diction
a character whose traits are in direct contrast to those of the principal character. The foil typically highlights the traits of the protagonist. The foil is usually a minor character, although if there are two protagonists, they may be foils of each other.
What is Foil
occurs at the beginning of a work of fiction; established background information or lays out the scene.
What is Exposition
an all-knowing narrator who is not a character in the story and who can report the thoughts and feelings of the characters, as well as their words and actions. (See also limited omniscience and neutral omniscience.)
What is Omniscient narrator
repetition of the first sound --usually a consonant sound--in several words of a sentence or a line of poetry.
What is Alliteration
language used to express ideas through figures of speech; descriptions that aren't meant to be taken literally; types of figurative language include simile, metaphor, hyperbole, and personification
What is Figurative language
one who is not fully developed; we know only one side of the character.
What is Flat Character
(denouement)--the unraveling of the plot following the climax.
What is Falling Action
The physical and social context in which the action of a story occurs. The major elements of setting are the time, the place, and the social environment that frames the characters.
What is Setting
the method an author uses to develop characters' personalities or motives through the use of dialogue and descriptions of their thoughts, appearance, emotions, and actions.
What is Characterization
a break in a story's action that returns the reader to a previous event.
What is Flashback
one who is fully-developed, with many traits--bad and good--shown in the story. We feel that we know the character so well that he or she has become a real person.
What is Round Character
the final part of the plot where you learn how everything works out.
What is Resolution
The voice used by an author to tell a story or speak a poem. The speaker is often a created identity, and should not automatically be equated with the author’s self.
What is Speaker
A specific piece of a literary work that makes up or adds to a larger picture or story.
What is Detail
the use of clues giving the reader hints of events to come.
What is Foreshadowing