What is Tempo ?
Tempo is how fast or slow the beats go by.
What is Rhythm ?
How time is observed and controlled
What is Melody?
A series of single notes that add up to a recognizable whole.
What is Harmony ?
The relationship between two or more simultaneous pitches.
What is Dynamic ?
What is a beat?
Where do you find the Time Signature ?
The time signature is at the start of each instrument line.
Notes going upward or downward.
Dynamics is derived from what language?
How many beats are in a Whole Note, Half Note, Quarter Note, Eighth Note ?
Whole Note = 4 beats
Half Notes = 2 beats
Quarter Note = 1 beat
Eighth Note = ½ beat
What is range?
Narrow, wide, or mixed
Dissonance is?
An unstable, tense or harsh combination of notes.
What is Piano, Mezzo Piano ?
Mezzo Piano=medium soft
What is Tempo usually marked in ?
What do you have to determine before you can determine the Rhythm ?
Length (duration)
How long or short the notes of a melody are.
Harmony is created by?
Multiple notes at once.
what is Mezzo Forte, Forte ?
Mezzo Forte = medium loud
Forte = loud
What are the 6 common markings of Tempo ?
Largo, Adagio, Andante, Moderato, Allegro, and Presto
Syncopation on a note on what type of beat?
The unexpected beat.
What are the 4 qualities of melody?
Range, Length, Register, Direction
Give an example of an instrument that can create its own Harmony.
What are crescendos and decrescendos?
Gradually getting louder or softer in volume.