From language to language, what you say and what you mean can be two different things.
What is interpretation?
No matter the objective, it has this.
What is reasoning has a purpose?
I would like you to elaborate on that point.
How do we check on Clarity?
In the Army you are three letters away from an 80% solution.
What is Army Design Methodology (ADM) ?
To be or not to be.
What is the Question?
No one likes being taken for granted.
What is the reason to avoid Assumptions?
Refrain from distorting the facts to support your chosen view.
How do we check on Fairness?
This is the starting point... according to the video.
What is the Question?
Axioms, Laws, or principles that lead us in a direction of critical thinking.
What are Concepts?
Your answer to the M and W reference really shows this. ( Picture_1 )
What is the reason for an alternate Point of View?
To be as exact as possible.
How can we be Precise?
Theoretically, without precision, this is a diamond in the rough.
What is a Concept?
Presupposition. We bet you can not spell that 3 times fast while patting your head and rubbing your belly!
What are Assumptions?
These types of cars really never go out of style. I guess this would define more than one.
What is the reason for a Concept Car?
Not as deep as it is wide.
What is Breadth?
Although it is a frame of reference, it is not a frame mentioned in the Army Design Methodology.
What is a Point of View?
To Graduate.
What is our Purpose?
All actions have this result.
What is the reason there are Consequences?
On Star Trek the television show, Spock would say that using this is inevitable?
What is Logic?
Whether you recognize them or not, these are inherent in your thoughts.
What are Implications?