Academic Vocabulary
Argumentative Writing
Informational Writing
Narrative Writing
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What are the three parts of an essay?
Introduction Body Conclusion
What do I do when I want to "shutdown" the other side's opinion and facts?
What should your goal be when writing an informational essay? a) to argue well and persuade your readers b) to provide clear and reliable information c) to tell a good story that will leave your audience captivated
b) to provide clear and reliable information
When a writer has his or her characters speak to each other they are engaging in...
I am a 3rd grader, and my teacher asked me to write an essay that tells people about whales. Would you please read my first paragraph and tell me what I am missing? Whales are big. Whales live in the ocean. Whales have blowholes. These are some facts about whales. You are missing a) a thesis statement b) 3 main points c) a hook
c) a hook
Writing that expresses an opinion backed by facts in order to persuade.
Argumentative Writing
In the introduction of an argumentative essay, which of the following elements should be included? (There is more than one answer!) a) 2 main points b) a hook c) a refutation d) 3 main points e) a thesis statement
Hook 2 Main Points A Thesis Statement (HMS=Hook, main points, stated thesis)
In the introduction of an informational essay, which of the following elements should be included? (There is more than one answer!) a) 2 main points b) a hook c) a refutation d) 3 main points e) a thesis statement
Hook 3 Main Points A Thesis Statement (HMS=Hook, main points, stated thesis)
In order to have a story, characters must experience a) physical illness b) lots of happiness c) conflict d) a flashback
c) conflict
I am a 3rd grader, and my teacher asked me to write an essay that tells people about whales. What kind of essay am I supposed to write?
a) narrative b) informational c) argumentative
Writing that provides information about a particular topic.
Informational Writing
The 2nd paragraph (1st body paragraph) of an argumentative essay should talk about __?__ in detail?
The first main point mentioned in the introduction
How is the 4th paragraph of informational writing different from the 4th paragraph of argumentative writing?
The 4th paragraph of informational writing goes into detail about the 3rd main point mentioned in the introduction, while the 4th paragraph of an argumentative essay addresses the other side of the opinion, the counterargument.
What is a protagonist in a narrative work? a) the good guy b) the bad guy c) a minor character d) the main character
d) the main character
I am in the 6th grade, and my teacher told me to write about the ways the sun affects the earth. Please read my introduction and tell me what my 2nd paragraph should be about. The sun is very important to the Earth. The sun affects our weather. It keeps our planet from freezing over. Additionally, the sun aids plants on earth in the process of photosynthesis. The sun influences our planet in very many ways.
The second paragraph should go into detail about the first main point listed in the introduction, how the sun affects the earth's weather.
Writing that tells a story by sequentially linking a series of events.
Narrative Writing
Read the following excerpt from an argumentative essay in which the author is against athletes using performance-enhancing drugs. Then, identify which part of the essay this particular paragraph is: Some argue that this next wave of performance enhancement is an acceptable and unavoidable feature of competition. As Dr. Andy Miah, who supports the regulated use of gene therapies in sports, claims, “The idea of the naturally perfect athlete is romantic nonsense. . . . An athlete achieves what he or she achieves through all sorts of means—technology, sponsorship, support and so on” (qtd. in Rudebeck).
Counterargument Paragraph
Read the following excerpt from an article entitled " No Escape for Malnourished Children": According to the magazine Population Reports, about 18 million people, mostly children, die each year from starvation, malnutrition and related causes. This magazine also states that nearly 200 million children under age five --40 percent of all children this age lack sufficient nutrition to develop fully. These children will never properly develop mentally or physically. They will suffer numerous unnecessary illnesses. They will also likely die miserable and at a young age. Tragically, children suffering from malnutrition have little chance of living long, productive lives. How did the author hook his audience? a) using statistics b) using an anecdote c) sharing a personal thought/observation
a) using statistics
Read these sentences from a story. "'I’m Kelsey. You work at that butcher, don’t you?" she asked. "Bones?" Something in her tone made Javier defensive. "We make barbecue, but, yes, that’s where I work." "You slaughter animals," she said flatly. Based on this evidence, what can you conclude about Kelsey's opinion about killing animals for meat? Explain how you know your answer is correct.
She is against killing animals for meat because it said that her tone made Javier defensive and she flatly said that he slaughtered animals, which made it seem like he was a crazed killer.
I am in the 8th grade, and I am writing an argumentative essay about whether or not the government should have a say in what we eat. I think that the government should not have a say, and I have my 2 main points to support it. Nevertheless, I don't know how to identify the counterargument. Would you please tell me what the counterargument would be? I'd really appreciate the help since my paper is due in two days!
The government SHOULD have a say in what we eat.
The part of an argumentative piece that addresses the opposite opinion.
Counterargument Paragraph
Read the following excerpt from an argumentative essay about athletes using performance-enhancing drugs. Then, identify the author's thesis statement aka claim. (Remember the claim of an argumentative essay will tell how the author feels about the topic!) The debate over athletes’ use of performance-enhancing substances is getting more complicated as gene therapy becomes a reality. The availability of these new methods of boosting performance will force us to decide what we value most in sports—displays of physical excellence developed through hard work or victory at all costs. Athletes who use any type of performance-enhancing drug give themselves an unfair advantage and disrupt the sense of fair play, and they should be banned from competition.
Athletes who use any type of performance-enhancing drug give themselves an unfair advantage and disrupt the sense of fair play, and they should be banned from competition.
Read the following excerpt from an article entitled " No Escape for Malnourished Children": According to the magazine Population Reports, about 18 million people, mostly children, die each year from starvation, malnutrition and related causes. This magazine also states that nearly 200 million children under age five --40 percent of all children this age lack sufficient nutrition to develop fully. These children will never properly develop mentally or physically. They will suffer numerous unnecessary illnesses. They will also likely die miserable and at a young age. Tragically, children suffering from malnutrition have little chance of living long, productive lives. Identify the three main points that this author will go into detail about in the body paragraphs to support the idea that there is no escape for malnourished children.
These children will never properly develop mentally or physically. They will suffer numerous unnecessary illnesses. They will also likely die miserable and at a young age.
Read the sentences and answer the question. "'I’m Kelsey. You work at that butcher, don’t you?" she asked. "Bones?" Something in her tone made Javier defensive. "We make barbecue, but, yes, that’s where I work." "You slaughter animals," she said flatly. Kelsey was very pretty, all right, but her strategy was flawed. Attacks were no way to persuade for a cause. What does the word "strategy" mean? Why did the author choose to use this word here?
A strategy is a way of doing things. Her way of trying to persuade people what killing animals is wrong is faulty.
I am in the 9th grade. My teacher told me to write a narrative about a girl who never went to school or got an education. I am to make up what her life would be like when she got older. I did the work and turned it in, but my teacher said that I had no conflict in my story. What is conflict? And what could I use as a conflict for this story? Please help me! This is my last chance to get a decent grade!
Answers will vary.