On purpose
What is deliberately?
To try to get away from something or someone
What is dodged?
In chapter 2, why was Clay so protective of the dog when he brought her home to his family?
He was happy the dog chose him and he did not want to share his new friend.
In chapter 7, what did Clay see in his window in the middle of the night?
The owl-head boy
A shape with five sides
What is a pentagon?
Act of showing sorrow
What is mourning?
To shake, wobble, or vibrate
What is shimmied?
In chapter 4, what happened when Clay's sister sprinkled what was in the shaker on her sweater?
A sheep grew in the sweater
What does the owl-head boy say happens at the wishing lake when you make a wish at the apple tree?
Your wish comes true, but it takes away a wish from someone on the other side of the lake
A group of lions
What is a pride?
Involving great physical or mental pain
What is agonized?
To push suddenly into something
What is plunged?
In chapter 1, what is the pack of elf-hounds hunting?
The wyrm
In chapter 10, what happens when Clay separates from the owl-head boy and Elphinore?
The wyrm attacks Clay
The first country to use paper money
What is China?
To feel or express sorrow
What is lament?
Difficult to control or handle
What is rambunctious?
Why is Clay not allowed to have any friends over?
There is a virus that is making everyone stay home
What is the owl-head boy's name?
The number of colors in the rainbow
What is 7?
A facial look showing unhappiness or frustration
What is sneered?
Bad intentions or a desire to cause injury
What is malice?
In chapter 2, what strange thing happened when Clay threw the frisbee into difficult places?
The elf-hound caught the frisbee and returned it to Clay without him seeing.
In chapter 6, where does Elphinore lead Clay while his sisters are following him?
To the cliff that is the entrance to the magical land under the mountain.
The color of spots on ladybugs
What is black?