“The shop declined to process your fraudulent plastic money?" -Mr. Hector
What is “Store wouldn't take your... Stolen credit card?”?
This is the name of the toy store Harry and Marv plan to rob on Christmas Eve.
What is Duncan's Toy Chest?
Kevin does not want to sleep upstairs with Fuller because he does this.
What is "wets the bed"?
This is the number of Tic Tacs that Santa’s helper gave Kevin because everyone that sees Santa gets something.
What are 3 tic tacs?
“Credit card? _____ _____ ___” -Kevin
What is "You got it"?
"I was able to sense you as you stepped off the lift." -Johnny
What is “I could smell ya getting off the elevator”?
Frank was singing here when he was “cookin”.
Where is the shower?
This is the first place that Kevin sees the shovel slayer in Home Alone 1.
Wehre is Buzz’s bedroom window?
This is how much the pizza order cost at the beginning of Home Alone 1.
What is $122.50?
“Cedric, don't count your _____ in public.” -Mr. Hector
What are "tips"?
"There's a crazy individual with a firearm." -Mr. Hector
What is "There is an insane guest with a gun."?
Kevin goes here to take photos on the roof when he first arrives to New York City.
Where is the Observation deck of the World Trade Center?
This in the basement scares Kevin from being able to do basic household tasks.
What is the furnace?
In percentage, how much does Snakes say that Johnny owes Acey?
What is 10%?
“He says that if I walked in there and saw him naked, I'd grow up never feeling like a ________ _________”. -Kevin
What is "real man"?
"I have a decade on this planet, the tube is everything."-Kevin
What is “I’m ten years old, TV is my life.”?
Carlotta claimed that she was singing here in Angels with Filthier Souls.
Where is "The Blue Monkey"?
Aunt Leslie asks Kevin to do this the night before their flight.
What is "Pack your suitcase"?
The statue in front of the McCallister gets hit this many times by a car.
What is three times?
“The plaza hotel! New York’s most _____ hotel experience.” -Kevin
What is "exciting"?
“Don't commit to things you're unable to follow through on” -Pigeon Lady
What is “Don’t make promises you can’t keep”?
The McCallister family stayed at this motel in their brief stay in Miami.
Where is Villa de Dolphiné?
When Megan expresses concern that Kevin might be scared alone, Buzz lists these reasons as to why nothing will happen to him. (need all three)
What is "A, I'm not that lucky. Two, we use smoke detectors and D, we live on the most boring street in the whole United States of America, where nothing even remotely dangerous will ever happen. Period."?
Uncle Frank says they won’t be able to make their flight when they are still at home, because it leaves in this many minutes.
What is 45 minutes?
“You can’t be too careful, when it involves _______” - Kevin
What is "underwear"?