When documenting intake & output, fluid is recorded using this unit of measurement.
Milliliters (mLs)
The nurse inserting an indwelling Foley catheter knows their gloves must be . . .
This condition can be caused by medications, dehydration, and prolonged immobility.
A nurse collecting a sterile urine sample from an indwelling urinary catheter placed two days ago must obtain it from this location.
Collection Port
Urine, vomit, wound drainage, nasogastric drainage, and loose stools are all examples of what?
CAUTI stands for. . .
Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection
Habitual use of these common over-the-counter medications can lead to chronic constipation.
Urine collected during a 24-hour urine study will sometimes need to be stored in this place.
A nurse would include ice cream, but not applesauce or pudding, when charting what?
The presence of an indwelling urinary catheter places clients at increased risk of developing this complication.
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
This position is recommended for the administration of an enema.
This test is used to check for the presence of occult blood.
Fecal Occult Blood Testing
At lunch, a client consumed 1 cup of coffee, 1/2 a cup of orange juice, scrambled eggs, and toast. How many milliliters does the nurse record under their intake?
This is the medical term for no urine production.
This is how quickly a large-volume cleansing enema should be instilled.
5-10 minutes
This is the rationale for having a client void a small amount before collecting a clean-catch or midstream urine sample.
Flush away organisms from the meatus and/or Reduce risk of inaccurate results
The 24-hour fluid balance of an NPO client who received 3000mL of IV fluid, voided 1250mL of urine, and experienced an episode of emesis totaling 200mL would be what?
Positive 1550mL or +1550mL
An elevated postvoid residual (PVR) can indicate this.
Poor bladder emptying or Urinary Retention
This intervention involves setting regular times for bowel movements, involving the client's support systems, and encouraging adequate fluid and nutrition.
Bowel Training Program
These guidelines - void first, use provided container, and do not place toilet tissue in the container - would be given before attempting to collect this specimen.