Elissa's birthday
What is December 15th?
Elissa and Charlie's wedding date
What is May 3 (or Feb 21)?
Some relationships hit too close to home. Elissa hit it off with too many guys that had this name
Who is Andy or Andrew?
This problem-solving activity is one Elissa loves on a rainy day, a regular day or a ski weekend
What is a puzzle?
Elissa is always down for a Greek Feast. What menu item is always a must order (other than babaganoush, of course).
What are grape leaves?
The city was Elissa was born in
What is Tampa?
Charlie proposed to Elissa here
Where is Central Park (Reservoir)?
First loves are not always THE ONE. This ex stole Elissa's heart in high school and beyond.
Who is Joe Brand?
These two boys made Elissa an aunt
Who are Ethan and Landon?
Elissa is not just timely, she is early. This is one location where Elissa must arrive at least 2 hours early.
What is the airport?
The one topping Elissa will always ask to remove on her greek salads
What are olives?
Elissa met this family member of Charlie's first
Who is Charlie's brother, Danny?
This ex was a little rough. So much so that Elissa broke her wrist during one of their dates.
Who is Sebastian?
Elissa has been to so many of these workout classes, she's received a pair of socks to celebrate
What is Pure Barre?
This social activity is Elissa's nightmare
What is dancing?
Besides NY, Elissa interned in this city during college
What is Alexandria, VA?
The location of Elissa and Charlie's first date
What is Raines Law Room in Chelsea?
I am not sure which part Elissa loved more - spending time with this ex or the hot dog she ate at their first baseball game.
Who is Jamil?
Going on a road trip? Elissa is likely to bring this healthy snack.
What are cut up apples slices?
This staple outfit is Elissa's go to for a date night (or a girls night, or really any night out)
What is jeans and a black top?
Elissa's career if she did not become a tax accountant
What is a custom closet designer and/or cabinet organizer (part of the Marie Condo team)?
When Elissa and Charlie get a dog, this is the type of dog they will have
What is some kind of poodle/doodle mix?
This guy, while not an ex per se, is part of the memory books because he was dressed like a potato during Elissa's night of fun
Trick question - Elissa doesn't know his name either! (Will accept Mr. Potato Head or "one of the twins")
Elissa's to-go bagel order (think Sunday morning after a long night out)
What is a toasted whole wheat everything scooped out with egg and avocado?
Before moving in with Charlie, Elissa lived at this address for over 5 years.
Where is 215 E 80th St, Apt 12A?