Red flags
Unique Talents
What is Eliza's favorite dessert?

A. Banana Cream Pie   B. Chocolate Chip Cookies

C. Chocolate Brownie Ice Cream D. Brownies


RED FLAG: What is Eliza's worst habit?

A. Biting her nails   B. Not brushing her teeth

C. Going to bed late   D. Vaping behind the KSL building


BIRTH: When is Eliza's birthday?

A. April 18, 1997   B. April 20, 1998

C. April 16, 1998   D. April 20, 1995


What is Eliza's all-time-favorite chick flick?

A. Ever After (1998)   B. A Cinderella Story (2004)

C. While You Were Sleeping (1995)   D. Pride and Prejudice (2005)


What instruments does Eliza play?

A. Flute & Piano   B. Piano & Violin

C. Guitar & Piano   D. Sitar & Tambourine


What's Eliza's favorite meal of the day?

A. Brunch   B. Dinner

C. Breakfast D. Lunch


RED FLAG: What does Eliza consistently forget to do that endangers her?

A. Turn off the car engine   B. Check for cars when running

C. Fill up the car with gas  D. Pull the keys out of the door


COLLEGE GRADUATION: Eliza graduated from the University of Utah with what Bachelor's degree in what?

A. Writing and Rhetoric   B. Journalism with an emphasis in digital reporting

C. Editing and Journalism D. Communication with an emphasis in Journalism


Which of these favorite artists of Eliza's has she NOT seen in concert?

A. Billy Joel   B. Taylor Swift

C. One Republic   D. John Mayer


What is a talent Eliza never thought she'd develop - that she has developed?

A. Running races   B. Painting 

C. Raising prize chickens   D. Pickleball


Which of Eliza's favorite food does she cook the most often? 

A. Top Ramen   B. Shepherd's Pie

C. Crepes   D. Pot Roast and Mashed Potatoes


RED FLAG: Eliza has what physical deformity?

A. Gigantic lips   B. Lack of right toenail

C. Weak ankles   D. Arm that pops out of socket


MISSION: Eliza's mission in Argentina covered two provinces or states as we'd say in the U.S. What were the providences called?

A. San Cristobal & Buenos Aires B. Santa Fe & Parana

C. Rosario & Santa Fe     D. Santa Fe & Entre Rios


What favorite movie of Eliza's does she wish were real?

A. Jurassic Park (1993)  B. National Treasure (2004)

C. Up (2009)   D. La La Land (2016)


What can Eliza eat high amounts of in one sitting?

A. Ice cream   B. Oreos

C. Mac n' Cheese   D. Chocolate Chip Cookies

*See also red flags and foods*


What is a food Eliza does not care for? 

A. Kale   B. Sushi

C. Ice Cream  D. Shrimp


RED FLAG: What article of clothing does Eliza refuse to wear if she can help it?

A. Button-down shirts   B. High heels 

C. Wool sweaters D. Flare jeans


WEDDING: Where did Eliza and Michael get engaged and get married?

A. Big Cottonwood Canyon & Bountiful Temple

B. Downtown Gilbert, Arizona & SLC Temple

C. This is the Place State Park & Bountiful Temple

D. The State Capitol & Payson Temple


What is Eliza's all-time favorite song to dance to? 

A. Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus   B. Waterloo by ABBA

C. Dancing in the Moonlight by King Harvest   D. Shake it Off by Taylor Swift


Which of these has Eliza cared for the longest?

A. Her fish Scout   B. Michael

C. A prized orchid   D. Buster the Bunny

Real answer: All of you <3


What is the strangest food Eliza's eaten?

Basically every part of the cow: cow heart, cow intestines, cow liver, cow stomach lining, cow tongue


RED FLAG: How many people has Eliza said "I love you" to? 

Every guy she dated officially.

Except Chris. RIP.


GRADUATE SCHOOL: Where is Eliza headed for graduate school this fall?

A. Arizona State University   B. Boston College

C. Utah State University   D. University of Pennsylvania


What movie soundtrack did Eliza and Michael first bond over on their first date? 

That Thing You Do (1996)


Eliza is a talented writer, how many published articles does she have for KSL? 

