Food Week
Nature Week
Science Week
Arts & Culture Week
Time Travel Week
Before we wrote Deezy persuasive letters, convincing her to eat our favorite meals, all she ate was this.
What is dinosaur food?
This shy, dark-colored animal is the jungle relative of the tall and social giraffe.
What is an okapi?
This American scientist invented the electric lightbulb in 1879.
Who is Thomas Edison?
This stuffed tiger is best friends with a boy named Calvin, and comes alive when no other people are around. We read about their adventures in a famous comic book.
Who is Hobbes?
This was the name of Time Travelin' Pete's pet robot.
Who is Wrigley?
This snack came out victorious in our vicious snack vs. snack debate.
What are M&M's?
This habitat gets some rain, but not enough for trees to grow — so animals that live there have adapted to run fast over wide open spaces, or burrow into the ground to hide from hunters.
What is a grassland?
When making ice cream, you put the small bag of ingredients inside a larger bag, add ice, and then — to make the ice extra cold and freeze the ice cream — you add this ingredient.
What is rock salt? ("Salt" will not be accepted.)
This is a fancy word for when a person writes a story about his or her own life.
What is an autobiography? ("Biography" not accepted.)
This is the word for a group of predictions about someone's future, based on the positions of the stars and the month when you were born.
What is a horoscope?
These are three examples of "order words," which are words that help a reader keep track of events in your story.
What is first/second/next/then/finally? (etc.)
These are three drought tips we learned from ITAL/C Studios on how to save water and help protect California from drought. (Must be ITAL/C tips, not tips we wrote ourselves.)
What is: Take 5 minute showers? Use a glass of water for brushing your teeth? Re-use water? Buy a dual-flush toilet? Don't water your lawn? Take sailor showers? Fix leaky faucets and pipes? Dishwashers use less water than you? Shower with a friend? If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down? Pee on a tree? Use a broom to clean driveways, sidewalks, and patios? Only plant native, drought-tolerant plants? If it ain't dirty, don't wash it?
In space, crumbs can be deadly, so astronauts eat this food instead of bread.
What are tortillas?
Vasalisa the Brave and the evil witch Baba Yaga star in the Russian version of this well-known fairytale.
What is Cinderella?
According to Mrs. Barnacle's predictions, Hayley will become this and be wildly successful — until a massive flood destroys her factory, and she is forced to leave the country.
What is a Cheeto Empress?
This type of diagram, composed of two big circles that overlap in the middle, allows us to show the similarities and differences between two things.
What is a Venn diagram?
The letters "P-S-A" stand for this.
What is a public service announcement?
This invention, created by a scientist named Gutenberg in 1440, allowed people to make lots of books at once instead of writing all of them by hand.
What is a printing press?
This is a famous film director, who created animated movies like "Spirited Away," "My Neighbor Totoro," and "Princess Mononoke."
Who is Hayao Miyazaki?
If you want to check how well a structure is able to protect an egg, you might go to the top of a ladder and perform one of these.
What is a drop test?
What is Mrs. Barnacle's husband's first name?
Who is Phineas?
This classification of animal lays eggs, breathes through its damp skin, and has webbed feet.
What is an amphibian?
What is the name for any substance — like oobleck — that sometimes acts like a liquid, and sometimes acts like a solid?
What is a non-Newtonian fluid?
Charles and Ray Eames are designers that are most famous for creating a modern and sleek version of this.
What is a chair?
This word is the past tense version of the word "lie," as in, "lie down on a bed."
What is "lay"?