Ellen's original hometown.
Cumberland, RI
These two Chinese restaurants are two of Ellen’s favorite go-to eateries. Double points to name them both.
Fat Baby and House of Fortune
The name of Ellen’s Sour Dough starter.
Before employment at Kyowa Kirin, Ellen worked at this company.
Cytel, Inc.
When visiting Maine, Ellen's bed can be found here.
The Loft/Closet
On her 18th birthday, Ellen and friends watched this real-life documentary to celebrate.
The Ellen Video
Many of Ellen’s meals is coated with this topping.
Balsamic Glaze is also an acceptable answer.
These slang words are used by Ellen to describe relaxing. Double points to name them both.
Comf or Perch
The year Ellen received her masters.
This Forth of July inspired dish is one of Ellen’s cooking specialties.
Firecracker Meatballs
During her teen years, Ellen once met this famous celebrity on a plane.
Gordon Ramsey
Ellen’s favorite movie all time stars Eddie Murphy, Eddie Murphy, and Eddie Murphy.
Short for Twisted Teas.
This item was deemed lost at James and Ellen's wedding.
The Mount Flag
Ellen’s first cat, Fred, wasn’t the only Fred in her life. The name originally came from this kind of animal.
When she was very young, Ellen almost left this stuffed animal behind at a Toys R' Us to be “with his friends”.
Peter “Pete” Rabbit
Ellen’s favorite Pokemon.
There is no agreed upon definition for the “collection of sea creatures using a bucket”. Nevertheless, Ellen has dubbed the activity this term.
Ellen was proposed to at this location in Quincy.
Meriel Marina Bay, Quincy
Ellen’s collection of this item vastly surpasses James’ collection of Legos.
The name of Ellen's "first son".
This drink is Ellen’s go-to at Marcelino’s Boutique Bar in Providence, RI.
The Strawberry
Ellen’s Animal Crossing island is named after this four-legged companion.
Gizmo (gizzard’s)
Once on a whale watch, Ellen saw more of this animal than whales.
Basking Shark
This “prequel series” was the first television show Ellen and James watched together.
Star Trek: Enterprise