Start with L
This racecar's iconic catchphrase "kachow!" has been the center of memes for many years.
Who is Lightning McQueen? (Cars)
This dark purple fruit originated in Japan but has become popular on the West Coast, known for it's bright red jelly-like inside
What is a fig?
Season 2 of the Netflix's 'The Umbrella Academy' was based around the assassination of this president.
Who is John F. Kennedy?
This member of the Mr. Beast Crew is Ellie's current celebrity crush.
Who is Karl Jacobs?
An activity involving skill in making things by hand.
What is craft?
This classic Disney animated film tells the story of how this girl rescued an alien and taught him how to care for others.
Who is Lilo? (Lilo and Stitch)
Sometimes called carambola fruit, this is yellow South Asian fruit popularized in the United States due to it's unique polygon shape and sweet taste.
What is starfruit?
This person became the first and only person in US history who has served as both vice president and president without being elected to either position.
Who is Gerald Ford?
Chandler Hollow was the winner of Survivor: Mr. Beast and won the the island that they were competing on, which was worth this much money.
What is $800,000?
A small restaurant selling light meals and drinks, usually coffee.
What is a cafe?
This hero debuted in 1986 to help save his kingdom. 26 games later and 35 years later, he is still on adventures to help save his people.
Who is Link? (Legend of Zelda)
Named after a mythical creature, this fruit native to the Americas is pink on the outside and white with black dots on the inside.
What is dragonfruit?
William Henry Harrison became the shortest serving president ever after dying of this after only 31 days in office.
What is pneumonia?
Mark Rober helped the crew fill Jimmy's brother's house with this before buying him a new house.
What is slime/elephant toothpaste?
Parents may tell their child that their pet has gone to this place instead of telling them that it's dead.
What is a farm?
This highly intelligent and athletic British archeologist who ventures into ancient tombs and hazardous ruins around the world has multiple video games and her own movie.
Who is Lara Croft? (Tomb Raider)
This purple fruit from Argentina grows on vines, and has an inside that can range from a dark orange to a light green color depending on the ripeness.
What is passion fruit?
This name is the most popular presidential first name, being shared by six different presidents.
What is James?
(James Madison, James Monroe, James Polk, James Buchanan, James Garfield, and James “Jimmy” Carter)
What is a dog shelter?
a thick liquid or semisolid cosmetic or medical preparation applied to the skin.
What is cream?
This genius but strange detective from a stopped at nothing to bring this serial killer to justice, sacrificing everything he could in a constant battle of wits.
Who is L Lawliet? (Death Note)
This red berry that contains a significant amount of malic acid can vary greatly in size, and is a key ingredient in a popular sauce from European origin.
What is a tomato?
27th President William Howard Taft got stuck in a White House ______ and had to be rescued out of it by a team of five people.
What is a bathtub?
Originally a random subscriber who appeared in "I Spent $1,000,000 on Lottery Tickets", this person became close friends with the crew and has since starred in multiple videos like Survivor: Mr. Beast, laser maze, and ultimate tag.
Who is Nolan?
A rescuer extensively trained in firefighting, primarily to extinguish hazardous fires that threaten life, property, and the environment
What is a fireman?